Leadership and Staff


Associate Director & Thematic Area Lead, Integrated Energy Systems, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Director, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Associate Director, Institute of Energy and the Environment

Thematic Area Leads

Thematic Area Lead, Climate and Natural Systems
Thematic Area Lead, Health and the Environment
Associate Director & Thematic Area Lead, Integrated Energy Systems, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Thematic Area Lead, Equitable Communities and the Built Environment
Thematic Area Lead, Water Sustainability

Committee Leads

Awards Committee Lead, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Faculty Review Committee Lead, Institute of Energy and the Environment
DEIB Committee Lead, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Seed Grant Committee Lead, Institute of Energy and the Environment


Graphic Designer, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Research Mechanic, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Managing Director, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Content Strategist, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Creative Director, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Financial Manager, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Program and Events Manager, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Communications Manager, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Web Designer, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Facilities Manager, Institute of Energy and the Environment
Systems Administrator, Institute of Energy and the Environment

Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories

Associate Research Professor, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Research Technologist, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Research Technologist, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Research Technologist, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Managing Director, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Assistant Research Professor, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Assistant Research Professor, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Research Technologist, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories

Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access/Data Commons

Director, Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access
Research Technologist, Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access