Center for Quantitative Imaging

3D MicroCT Scanning at Penn State

The Center for Quantitative Imaging provides clients with detailed, non-destructive microCT imaging. The center focuses on two main areas of research: monitoring internal processes in experimental systems and characterizing complex three-dimensional (3D) structure and material composition in natural and synthetic systems. 

The technology of microCT scanning creates high-resolution three-dimensional 3D images by using x-rays. To do this, the microCT scanner collects two-dimensional (2D) trans-axial projections (or slices) of the scanned material/specimen. Once collected, the slices are then reconstructed into a full 3D model. 

Lab technicians work closely with clients to understand the objectives and offer the best possible solutions, collaborate on the process, and deliver the finest images.

Work with Us

The Center for Quantitative Imaging is available to assist both Penn State researchers and external clients from industry, government, and other universities. Get started:

For new clients For existing clients


Center for Quantitative Imaging in Action

Research collaborations with the Center for Quantitative Imaging

CQI collaborates on new procedures to improve high-quality scanning

Center for Quantitative Imaging techs collaborated on two techniques that allowed for the collection of high-quality, information-dense image data on small, delicate specimens: a solution-based staining process that produced more tissue contrast, providing detail-rich images and a wax-mounting protocol that protected and stabilized specimens.

Scanning brains of zebrafish

Researchers and Center for Quantitative Imaging staff worked with contrast-enhanced Micro-CT to quantify detailed neuroanatomical information of intact adult zebrafish brains and developed a staining protocol that will reduce tissue distortion and a mounting procedure that will mitigate scanning artifacts, enabling this technique to be used as a tool for visualizing small-scale differences in neural tissue.

Power plant pipe corrosion focus of industry research project

Using equipment and expertise from the Center for Quantitative Imaging, a team of researchers is investigating how contaminants in power plant water cycles affect the integrity of power generation system pipes in the wake of renewable energy sources.

Center for Quantitative Imaging Staff

Assistant Research Professor, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Research Technologist, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories
Managing Director, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories


Center for Quantitative Imaging
416 Academic Activities Building
University Park, PA 16802

Map to Academic Activities Building