Past Events: Penn State Energy and Environment Calendar Archive

You're viewing an archived collection of past energy and environment events from around Penn State and beyond. Please visit our Event Calendar to view current and upcoming events.

 4:00pm  Full details
EESI EarthTalk: The current coronavirus pandemic has caused the price of oil to drop and education to happen remotely. How should institutions like the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at Penn State, which offers degree programs in petroleum and natural gas engineering as well as renewable energy and climate, adapt? Susan Brantley, director of the Earth and Environmental System Institute, and Lee Kump, John Leone Dean in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, will lead a panel discussion on the future of energy education.

 10:00am  Full details
Join the Penn State EnvironMentors Poster Symposium for presentations of their STEM research. Register:

 3:00pm  Full details
This session will introduce graduate students to geospatial data from U.S. and international sources, along with information on geospatial software access at Penn State including ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS ArcMap, and ArcGIS Pro. A highlight of online geospatial resources available to graduate students will be included. Additional resources will be provided to help participants manage geospatial projects remotely.

 1:30pm  Full details
The Analyses of Step Rate Tests for Estimating Maximum Injection Pressure live webinar will describe testing procedures that cause anomalous pressure responses that lead to inconclusive or incorrect maximum injection pressure estimations.
 1:00pm  Full details
Training Session #2: Thursday, May 14 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Marcy Milhomme from Communication Arts and Sciences will present: "Effective Presentation Skills for (Virtual) Elevator Pitches."
 12:00am  Full details
The workshop has been canceled. Shale Network has announced the theme and dates of the 2020 annual workshop. The theme of the 2020 workshop is “Shale Gas: Future and Developing Issues” and will include presentations on the health effects related to shale gas development by Donna Vorhees, director of energy research at the Health Effects Institute, and Joan Casey, assistant professor of environmental health sciences at Columbia University. The workshop will take place May 14-15 at the Graduate Hotel in State College, Pa.

 3:00pm  Full details
A follow-up forum to the May 7 meeting where discussions of community feedback and unit reports will guide the future of IEE and the Stewarding Our Planet's Resources initiative.
 11:00am  Full details
The energy sector is facing unprecedented challenges, with a globally spreading COVID-19 pandemic and historically low energy prices, on top of a difficult transition towards a low carbon future that has been on-going before the crisis. Human kind will meet the challenge and hopefully come out of the other side in a better shape. Some of the key elements to achieve that is smart collaborations in technology development and innovation, and MIT is leading the way.

 1:00pm  Full details
Training Session #1: Tuesday, May 12 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Andy Gustafson from the Smeal College of Business will present: "Everybody Needs a (Virtual) Elevator Pitch."
 11:00am  Full details
Every week, join the Radiocarbon Lab at Penn State to learn about the applications of radiocarbon (14C) measurement and chronology, including archaeology, paleontology, geoscience, astrophysics, forensics, art history and more. Please register:

 2:00 – 4:00pm  Full details
Penn State has a long and rich history of engaged, innovative, and impactful water and water-related research, education, and service and extension, spanning a wide diversity of disciplines. Building on this breadth and depth of expertise, Penn State has launched a university-wide water initiative that now involves more than 170 faculty and staff.
 12:00am  Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center  Full details
Canceled due to coronavirus outbreak. Penn State Extension and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection along with numerous other sponsors invite you to attend the 2020 Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium on Monday, May 11, at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in State College, PA. The Symposium will provide a forum for researchers, students, professionals and educators working in the groundwater field to exchange information and promote protection of groundwater resources throughout the state.

 3:00pm  Full details
Meta-analyses allow researchers to synthesize the results of numerous studies. In this session, we will discuss how to conduct a meta-analysis including designing research questions, wrangling data from multiple sources, and performing analyses. Facilitator: Briana Ezray. Register here.

 3:00pm  Full details
Immense amounts of data are available for re-use. In this session, we will discuss how to find data sources and evaluate if the data source is appropriate for the analysis you want to conduct. Facilitator: Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, head, Research Informatics and Publishing. Register here.

 2:00pm  Full details
Penn State's EnvironMentors presents "COVID-19: Why is Counting so Hard?" with Matthew Ferrari
 11:00am  Full details
The energy sector is facing unprecedented challenges, with a globally spreading COVID-19 pandemic and historically low energy prices, on top of a difficult transition towards a low carbon future that has been on-going before the crisis. Human kind will meet the challenge and hopefully come out of the other side in a better shape. Some of the key elements to achieve that is smart collaborations in technology development and innovation, and MIT is leading the way.

 11:00am  Full details
Part of the Radiocarbon Universe Webinar Series Settlement and Extinction Chronologies of Madagascar presented by Sean Hixon & Kristina Douglass

 3:00pm  Full details
In this session, you will learn about how to use the citation management tools Mendeley and Zotero to organize citations and create bibliographies.
 2:00pm  Full details
The Penn State EnvironMentors presents COVID-19 and Health Disparities featuring Yendela Cuffee and Kristin Sznajder.

 3:00pm  Full details
Actively managing data during project implementation is vital for research transparency and reproducibility. In addition, actively managing data will make it easier to share data publicly or with your PI upon project completion. In this session, you will learn about how to properly store and back up your data during data collection as well as resources at Penn State to support these activities.