Jeff Pettis, Pettis and Associates LLC. /Former Scientist at USDA
Seminars will be hosted by Zoom. A link will be provided at the week of the seminar.
Past Events: Penn State Energy and Environment Calendar Archive
You're viewing an archived collection of past energy and environment events from around Penn State and beyond. Please visit our Event Calendar to view current and upcoming events.
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The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education. NSF actively encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, veterans, and undergraduate seniors to apply.
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Learn new strategies for increasing the impact of your environmental outreach program and cultivating trust among staff and stakeholders.
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Is the spotted lanternfly new to you in Columbia, Northumberland, and Luzerne Counties? Don't miss the Spotted Lanternfly Update webinar to learn how to recognize the stages of its life cycle, understand how it feeds, learn management methods, and more!
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Hong Ma, Penn State University on August 24, 2020 @ 12:10 pm to 01:10 pm via Zoom
Ying Gu
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The Penn State College of Medicine Department of Medicine, Penn State College of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering, Penn State Center for Research on Tobacco and Health, and Penn State Cancer Institute and Monash University are pleased to invite you to an August 20, 2020 virtual symposium entitled “Intersection of Health and the Environment.”
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With the current instability of national and local markets, it is important to ensure that your facility is performing as efficiently as possible. The most efficient operations not only last through downturns but also expand the fastest once the market recovers. As such, now is a great time to ensure that your manufacturing process is operating at top efficiency.
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Sustainability Series for Commonwealth Employees
The series is intended to give commonwealth employees opportunities to hear from subject matter experts and receive updates on each topic to enrich their knowledge while engaging in group conversations. The series is intended to give commonwealth employees opportunities to hear from subject matter experts and receive updates on each topic to enrich their knowledge while engaging in group conversations.
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Are you considering a solar array on your land? Join us for the Solar Energy and Land Use – Designing a Sustainable Outcome webinar, featuring Dr. Sarah Mills, Senior Project Manager at the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the University of Michigan.
Webinar topics include:
Solar Energy and Land Use Planning
Local Taxes on Solar
Potential Effect on Neighbors and Community
Comparative Analysis of Different Energy Sources on Land and Community
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As part of the University’s ongoing support of research in the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus, there will be an online information session focused specifically on WEF nexus efforts in Colombia.
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Join the Solar Energy Development in Pennsylvania – What’s Currently Happening and What’s Expected webinar and Denise Brinley, Executive Director at the Pennsylvania Governor’s Office of Energy, to discuss utility scale solar development in the Commonwealth. She will highlight details of DEP’s solar programs and associated funding, and will explain the solar initiatives at the Governor’s office. Also covered will be solar energy-oriented legislation currently pending in Harrisburg, and solar trends across the state.
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Penn State will host a webinar to celebrate and introduce the University community to the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings.
Penn State made its debut in the rankings in April, which, according to THE's website, are "the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals." Universities are chosen on the basis of three criteria: research, outreach, and stewardship.
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In this webinar, three experts will present research on climate and health behavior change. Speakers will describe climate change and both the adaptive and mitigative responses by humans in response to such change. Health behaviors will be discussed in the context of climate change from an individual, policy, and systems perspective. The webinar will conclude with a Q&A. This webinar is sponsored by SBM and the National Cancer Institute.
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In the next episode of the Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities' webinar series, Professor and the Director of Penn State's Institutes for Energy and the Environment, Tom Richard, will be discussing the renewable natural gas (RNG) and its potential as an alternative and sustainable fuel.
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Land and Water Revisited is a remake of the 1962 documentary Land and Water: An Ecological Study of the Teotihuacan Valley. The original was filmed in 1961 by the archaeologist William T. Sanders and was based on his 1957 Harvard dissertation. It provides an invaluable snapshot of agricultural and land-use practices in the area just prior to the urban explosion of México City.
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Join a Twitter chat on climate change and health by using the hashtag #behavioralmedchat presented by Society of Behavioral Medicine.
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Is your property pollinator-friendly? Join us for the Pollinator Series: Gardening for Pollinators to learn how to maximize your garden's potential for supporting a variety of pollinators, especially bees, which require specific nesting habitats and a broad range of flower shapes and types in order to thrive. You will also learn some of the best plants to include in your pollinator-friendly yard, tips on planting, and how you can certify your Pennsylvania Pollinator-Friendly Garden.
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This two-day webinar will focus on three themes: Materials for sensing and diagnostics (in collaboration with the Center for Biodevices); Adaptive architecture; and Advanced manufacturing.
Register to receive the Zoom link at…
Please direct inquiries to Zoubeida Ounaies,
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This and other webinars in the Pollinator Series seek to increase awareness of issues surrounding pollinator health, management, and pollinator habitat. Each webinar will target a variety of stakeholders, including the general public, homeowners, scientists, conservation groups, beekeepers, and growers.
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In 1970, more than 20 million Americans—including student leaders at Penn State—took to the streets and classrooms in an "environmental teach-in" for the first Earth Day, one of the largest demonstrations in American history. Fifty years later, as we celebrate this exercise in planetary-scale thinking, it's worth not only celebrating Penn State’s sustainability legacy but exploring what the next 50 years may bring. What does a just, equitable, and sustainable future for everyone look like, and how can Nittany Lions help realize this vision?