Past Events: Penn State Energy and Environment Calendar Archive

You're viewing an archived collection of past energy and environment events from around Penn State and beyond. Please visit our Event Calendar to view current and upcoming events.

 11:00am  Full details
Every week, join the Radiocarbon Lab at Penn State to learn about the applications of radiocarbon (14C) measurement and chronology, including archaeology, paleontology, geoscience, astrophysics, forensics, art history and more. Please register:

 4:00pm  Full details
EESI EarthTalk Webinar: Future global warming is likely to have severe impacts on human health, agriculture, natural ecosystems, and coastal flooding. This EarthTalks panel will highlight specific areas of concern, such as human heat stress and food security. Panelists will also discuss strategies for avoiding, or at least lessening, these problems and answer audience questions. James Kasting, Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences, will lead the panel.

 3:00pm  Full details
Actively managing data during project implementation is vital for research transparency and reproducibility. In addition, actively managing data will make it easier to share data publicly or with your PI upon project completion. In this session, you will learn about the best practices for file organization and naming, methods to share files during data collection, and version control.

 3:00pm  Full details
Throughout your graduate program, you likely will either gather or create a significant amount of digital data. Creating a data management plan (DMP) can help you plan and organize how these data will be managed during project implementation and shared upon project completion. In this session, you will learn about the components of a DMP and how to create a personalized DMP for your dissertation or thesis.
 12:00am  Full details
There are two webinars available: once at 2 p.m. and once again at 6 p.m. Over one million homes and farms in Pennsylvania get their drinking water from a private well or spring. The Safe Drinking Water Clinic Webinar is designed for people who manage one of these private drinking water supplies. We'll cover how to test and protect your well or spring, and when water treatment might makes sense. We will also discuss well and spring system inspection and maintenance so you know how to protect your family, your property, and the groundwater we share.

 12:00pm  Full details
On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, join us for a virtual lunch break to learn and ask questions about crucial carbon and climate initiatives occurring at Penn State from a variety of groups and different perspectives. Panelists include: -Divya Jain and Joshua Adams, Penn State students -Mark Sentesy, Climate Crossover -Charlie Anderson and Margot Kaye, Carbon Negative 2030 -Nicholas Rowland and Brandi Robinson, University Faculty Senate

 12:00pm  Full details
Hongxing Liu, Assistant Professor of Economics Lafayette College. Best Management Practices and Nutrient Reduction: An Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Model of the Lake Erie Basin  ZOOM Link:  Or by phone only:  +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 904 363 125   Hosted by: Environment and Natural Resources Institute College of Agricultural Sciences 
 11:00am  Full details
The Radiocarbon Universe Webinar Series presents: Fundamentals of Radiocarbon​ with Brendan J. Culleton

 4:00pm  Full details
EESI EarthTalk Webinar: Shale energy development trends and challenges. Watch on Zoom: See all the EESI EarthTalk Webinars:…

 2:30pm  Full details
This week's Ecology seminar will be given by Dr. Ruth DeFries (Columbia University), and she will be talking about her latest book "What Would Nature Do: A Guide to Our Uncertain Times." The seminar is on Friday, April 17th at 2:30 pm at this Zoom link: */

 12:00pm  Full details
Organized by the Center for the Business of Sustainability at the Smeal College of Business The coronavirus pandemic hit the world right as sustainable business and impact/ESG investing were taking off.  The Paris Climate Agreement, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Greta Thunberg’s #FridaysforFuture, and the rapid growth in impact/ESG investing are just a few of the global drivers that were catalyzing business’ engagement with social and environmental issues. Then a novel virus shut down the world economy.

 7:00pm  Full details
Ponds are a common feature in Pennsylvania’s landscape and they provide a source of enjoyment for many landowners. Although ponds occur naturally in this area, many have also been constructed for a variety of purposes. Join us for the Pond Management Webinar Series to learn more about keeping your pond healthy and beautiful!
 1:00pm  Full details
In 2014, California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), sweeping new groundwater management legislation designed to put an end to groundwater over-pumping and ensure there’s enough water for people, the economy and wildlife in California for generations to come.

 4:00pm  Full details
EESI EarthTalk Webinar Richard Alley, Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences, will lead a discussion with the researchers and graduate students of Penn State’s ice group on how much sea-level rise scientists expect from melting ice and answer questions about what this means for citizens and scientists.

 2:30pm  Full details
Dr. Grace Direnzo will present "Using integrative Bayesian approaches to examine ecological and evolutionary influences on disease dynamics" Join the webinar:

 7:00pm  Full details
This is the Pennsylvania edition of the nationwide effort to focus on state-level climate action. PA's call will be moderated by Pittsburgh Chief Resiliency Officer, Grant Ervin, and features: Jacqui Bonomo of Penn Future; Joylette Portlock of Sustainable Pittsburgh; and Hannah Smith-Brubaker of PA Association for Sustainable Agriculture. The focus will be on public health, agriculture, and energy. The webinar is free and open to the public.

 4:00pm  Full details
EESI EarthTalk Webinar: Climate change increases hazards, such as rising sea levels and intensifying storms. Designing a strategy to manage these risks hinges on understanding the risks and how strategies navigate tradeoffs. Klaus Keller, professor of geosciences, will discuss at the next EarthTalks how engaging with stakeholders and decision-makers can help scientists identify mission-oriented basic science questions, and how scientists can help to improve decisions.

 7:00pm  Full details
 2:30pm  Full details
The Coral Restoration Consortium’s Genetics Working Group will present a webinar on their recently-published paper titled “Considerations for maximizing the adaptive potential of restored coral populations in the western Atlantic”. This paper provides practical advice for restoration practitioners and resource managers when making decisions about what species to work with, how many genotypes to include in nurseries, and how to design outplant plots to increase the chances of successful cross-fertilization. Join Dr. Iliana Baums, Dr. Mikhail Matz and Dr.

 12:00pm  Full details
The coronavirus pandemic is fundamentally changing the way many organizations operate for the foreseeable future. Remote work is a new reality. How can leaders create an excellent remote culture? What are the best practices for virtual meetings? Susan Mohammed, Ph.D., Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute's team science expert, discusses these topics at the institute's next Translational Science Series webinar.