Each session will be the same format - attend one or all. Registered attendees will receive a confirmation to attend and a link to download the draft Climate Consortium proposal.
Past Events: Penn State Energy and Environment Calendar Archive
You're viewing an archived collection of past energy and environment events from around Penn State and beyond. Please visit our Event Calendar to view current and upcoming events.
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Moldwin is the Arthur F Thurnau Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering and Applied Physics within the University of Michigan’s Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering within the College of Engineering and affiliated with the Space Physics Research Laboratory, the Engineering Education Research Program, the African Studies Center, the Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering, and the Robotics Institute. He is the Faculty Director of UM's M-STEM's M-Engin Program, President of the American Geophysical Union's (AGU) E
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Interfacing Biocatalysts with Porous Electrodes for Semi-artificial Photosynthesis, Erwin Reisner – University of Cambridge
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The Water Insights Seminar Series engages the University and broader community in collaborative learning and discussion about critical water challenges from local to global scales.
All seminars are scheduled for Tuesdays from 12:00 - 1:00 pm and will be held via Zoom. Zoom room open from 11:30 for setup and log-in. Meetings (video, audio, and chat) will be recorded. No waiting room, and no passcode. Participants will be muted automatically upon entry.
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The goal of these sessions is for participants to review the Climate Consortium Proposal Draft and join Erica Smithwick for discussion and input.
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 30,2020, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Friday, Oct. 2, 2020, 2-3 p.m.
Attendees must register to attend one of the sessions. Each session will be the same format. Attendees only need to attend one of the three sessions.
8:30 – 9:30am
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Each session will be the same format - attend one or all. Registered attendees will receive a confirmation to attend and a link to download the draft Climate Consortium proposal.
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Bracing for Impact: Uncovering The Role of Maize Brace Roots in Plant Stability, Erin Sparks, University of Delaware
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Using Google Earth Engine for Interactive Mapping and Analysis of Large-Scale Geospatial Datasets, Qiusheng Wu, University of Tennessee
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Developing Molecular Strategies for Insect Pest Management, Kun Yan Zhu
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We propose a novel class of Hawkes-based model that assesses two types of systemic risk in high-frequency price processes: the endogenous systemic risk within a single process and the interactive systemic risk between a couple of processes. We examine the existence of systemic risk at a microscopic level via an empirical analysis of the futures markets of the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil and gasoline and perform a compara- tive analysis with the conditional value-at-risk as a benchmark measure of the proposed model.
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Challenges in Numerical Weather Prediction of Thunderstorm Upscale Growth, William Gallus
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Join the CRC on Wednesday, September 23 from 12-1 pm for the first CRC Roundtable, Environmental Monitoring in the Time of COVID-19. During the first half of the webinar, our invited speakers will provide an overview from federal, state, and citizen perspectives. For the second half of the webinar, we invite your questions and lively discussion from all participants
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In fiscal year 2018, more than 40 million Americans participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the nation's largest domestic food and nutrition assistance program for low-income Americans. Recent studies have shown that the effectiveness of SNAP in reducing food insecurity, however, the effect of SNAP on dietary quality and nutrient content of food is mixed. This paper aims to study the effect of current SNAP participation on dietary quality, which is measured by a composite Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI-2010) score.
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The Jagged Western Edge of North America: How Precambrian Rifting Influences Subsequent Tectonism, Basil Tikoff
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Presented by the Choose Clean Water Coalition and Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, with support from the Chesapeake Bay Trust, Chesapeake Legal Alliance, and Virginia Conservation Network, this crash course will dive into effective storytelling, crafting presentations, and translating nuanced science and data into a compelling and understandable message.
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Sustainability Series for Commonwealth Employees
The series is intended to give commonwealth employees opportunities to hear from subject matter experts and receive updates on each topic to enrich their knowledge while engaging in group conversations. The series is intended to give commonwealth employees opportunities to hear from subject matter experts and receive updates on each topic to enrich their knowledge while engaging in group conversations.
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Bacteria to beetles: connecting social interactions to specialized metabolism
Matt Traxler, Ph.D., University of California Berkeley
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Seminar: Dissecting links between nutrition and stress in honey bees
Vanessa Corby-Harris, USDA-ARS
September 18, 2020 @ 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Seminars will be hosted by Zoom. A link will be provided here the week of the seminar.
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The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is like a heartbeat to Earth’s climate system, serving as the Hadley circulation’s rising branch and producing some of the most intense rainfall. Textbook descriptions show that the ITCZ follows the Sun’s seasonal migration. However, such definitions are deficient for the east Pacific Ocean ITCZ, which is centered north of the equator except during boreal spring when a double ITCZ forms.
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In 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf issued an executive order charging the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection with drafting rules for Pennsylvania to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Draft rules for Pennsylvania joining RGGI are scheduled to be issued in mid-September, with full integration by 2021. RGGI is a multi-state compact aimed at managing greenhouse gas emissions from the electric power sector, which establishes state-level emission reduction targets and allows for the trading of permits within and across state lines.