2024 Research Awards

Call for Nominations

The Institute of Energy and the Environment at Penn State is pleased to announce a call for nominations for three awards related to research, knowledge transfer, and faculty guidance on topics related to one or more of the five IEE research themes:

The awards intend to recognize interdisciplinary collaborations, ideally from teams composed of members from different colleges. We welcome nominations that are self-made or made by others.

Penn State Institute of Energy and the Environment Research Awards

Nomination Process

Each nomination should consist of a single PDF file that includes:

  • A nomination (one-page maximum) offering evidence for why the recipient(s) deserve the award. This nomination should specify the lead receipt.
  • Relevant pieces of evidence (papers, conference proceedings, news articles, public engagement events, etc.)
  • A two-page CV for the identified lead and any secondary nominees

The deadline for nominations this year is Friday, November 8, 2024. Nomination packets must be submitted by emailing them to iee@psu.edu. Details regarding the three awards and their selection criteria are outlined below.

Each awardee will be allowed to choose between a sum of discretionary funds ($5000) or a one-semester tuition waiver. The award will be given to the identified lead, but it may be distributed among team members at their request.

Advancement of Knowledge Award

This award will be given to a team of two or more researchers at Penn State whose interdisciplinary research efforts on a topic within one of the five IEE research themes have led to an outstanding peer-reviewed article that represents a significant scientific advancement. Evidence to support the significance of this advancement can come from the article itself, as well as coverage of the article in the press or media. Emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary research efforts.

Research Guidance Award

This award recognizes a faculty member's efforts in demonstrably helping a pre-tenured or non-tenured faculty member begin studying a research topic relevant to at least one of the five IEE research themes. The award is given to a team of two faculty members from different departments or colleges at Penn State. Evidence for this faculty development should come in the form of a narrative with supporting pieces of evidence, such as a list of publications, co-mentored studies, and/or submitted research proposals.

Translational Research Award

This award will be given to a team of two or more researchers whose collaborative, interdisciplinary research efforts on a topic within one of the five IEE research themes have benefited society. These benefits could include, but are not limited to, research efforts that have led to the promotion of inclusion, public engagement, societal well-being, workforce development, partnerships, and/or infrastructure development. Examples of evidence to support the translational impact of research may include a publication, news story, and/or public engagement event.