Affiliated Researchers: Sedimentology

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 6 search result(s) for Sedimentology.

Benjamin Cardenas

Assistant Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Mars, Dune, Dune Field, Outcrop, Outcrops

Elizabeth Hajek

Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Avulsion, Stratigraphy, River, Morphodynamics, Paleocene

Miquela Ingalls

Assistant Professor in Geosciences, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Carbonate, Carbonates, Stable Isotope, Saline Lake, Plateau

Brian Kelley

Assistant Professor in Geosciences, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Triassic, Carbonate Platform, Permian, Basin, Mass Extinction

Anthony Foyle

Associate Professor, School of Science (Behrend)
Top research keywords: Lake Erie, Lakes, Coastal Zones, Lake, Sediments

Kimberly Lau

Assistant Professor in Geosciences, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Uranium Isotope, Isotope, Triassic, Anoxia, Permian