Researchers must be good communicators to be successful. It is essential to communicate complex science to a broad audience in a way that is accurate, clear, concise, and engaging. IEE offers resources to Penn State researchers who would like to improve their science communication skills.
The Science Communication Program offers events that explore communicating with:
- The media
- Policymakers
- Funding agencies
- Researchers in other disciplines
Effective science communication can help researchers obtain funding, build collaborative relationships with other scientists, raise awareness of important scientific issues, and influence public policy and opinion.

Communication is very complicated, moreso than most people who don’t study it realize, but it is maybe the most important factor we should consider in the broad realm of science. If we can’t adequately communicate about science to a wide variety of audiences, then society suffers and we can’t fully realize the benefits of scientific discovery.

IEE Faculty Member and Bellisario Professor of Health Communication
Science Communication Events
Past Event: EMS Science Communication Workshop
IEE and the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences are partnering to offer a Science Communication Workshop for researchers in EMS. The two-hour workshop was on February 28, 2024, in the HUB-Robeson Center. The event featured an overview of science communication and its impact on science and a researcher's career. It featured opportunities for hands-on practice and feedback from communications professionals.
Past Event: Science Communication: How to Connect, Get Noticed, and Get Funded
To improve researchers' science communication, proposal development, and interdisciplinary team communications, IEE is hosting a facilitated panel discussion with a team of researchers recently awarded an IEE seed grant.