Affiliated Researchers: Disease Severity

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 6 search result(s) for Disease Severity.

Molly Hall

Top research keywords: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, Genome-Wide Association Study, Polymorphism, Nucleotides, Genomics

Seth Bordenstein

Professor, Biology
Top research keywords: Wolbachia, Microbiota, Bacteria, Symbiosis, Bacteriophages

Jennifer Kraschnewski

Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine
Top research keywords: Exercise, Health, Overweight, Weights And Measures, Obesity

Laura Y. Cabrera

Associate Professor, Engineering Science and Mechanics
Top research keywords: Deep Brain Stimulation, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, Ethics, Brain

Paul Esker

Professor, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology
Top research keywords: Soybeans, Zea Mays, Fungicides, Triticum, Chaetocnema Pulicaria

Jeff D. Yanosky

Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Top research keywords: Air Pollution, Particulate Matter, Exposure, Atmospheric Pollution, Women's Health