Affiliated Researchers: Decision Theory

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 9 search result(s) for Decision Theory.

Michael Yukish

Research Associate, Applied Research Laboratory (ARL)
Top research keywords: Space Exploration, Design, Fidelity, Data Visualization, Energy Absorption

Allyson Muth

Assistant Research Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Landowner, Private Forest, Forest Stands, Natural Resources, Quercus

Christina Grozinger

Distinguished Professor and Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology, Entomology
Top research keywords: Bees, Honey, Bee, Honey Bees, Apis Mellifera

Alan MacEachren

Professor, Geography
Top research keywords: Visualization, Map Symbols, Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, Decision Making

Stephen Mainzer

Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture
Top research keywords: Chesapeake Bay, Environmental Behavior, Transdisciplinary, Environmental Impact, Watershed

Guoray Cai

Associate Professor, College of Information Sciences and Technology
Top research keywords: Decision Making, Geographic Information Systems, Geographical Information System, Decision Theory, Information Systems

Vikash Gayah

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Top research keywords: Traffic, Traffic Signals, Highway Systems, Urban Networks, Rural Roads

Mohamad Darayi

Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering, Engineering Division (Great Valley)
Top research keywords: Network Components, Supply Chains, Economics, Critical Infrastructures, Decision Theory

Katriona Shea

Alumni Professor, Biology
Top research keywords: Carduus Nutans, Carduus, Carduus Acanthoides, Invasive Species, Seed