Penn State Energy and Environment News

Hundreds of thousands of people will descend on Erie for the solar eclipse. Here's how the city is preparing.


Long in the shadow of its southern neighbor, the mid-size town along the shores of Lake Erie is expecting to attract up to 250,000 visitors next week. This article mentions events happening at Penn State Behrend and quotes Tracy Halmi, associate teaching professor of chemistry.

Butterfly-inspired AI technology takes flight


When it comes to mating, two things matter for Heliconius butterflies: the look and the smell of their potential partner. The black and orange butterflies have incredibly small brains, yet they must process both sensory inputs at the same time — which is more than current artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can achieve without significant energy consumption. To make AI as smart as the butterflies, a team of Penn State researchers has created a multi-sensory AI platform that is both more advanced and uses less energy than other AI technologies. 

Nobel laureate Ben Feringa to present spring 2024 Allcock Alumni Group Lecture


Ben L. Feringa, the Jacobus van ‘t Hoff Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Groningen and recipient of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, will present the Allcock Alumni Group Lectureship in Polymers and Materials Chemistry at 3:30 p.m. on April 10 in 101 Thomas Building. The lecture, titled “The Art of Building Small from Molecular Switches to Motors,” is free and open to the public. 

Applications now open for CTSI Implementation Science Fellowship Program


Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s Implementation Science Core is accepting applications for the Implementation Science Fellowship Program now through May 24. The program provides training and a mentorship network to scientists interested in advancing their implementation science expertise across Penn State campuses.

April brings Earth Month takeover across University Park campus and others


Penn State students, staff, faculty and community members have the chance to participate in activities across campus during the month of April, when Earth Month takes over the University Park campus and several Commonwealth Campuses.

Susquehanna Valley agriculture business reacts to Port of Baltimore closure


Farmers are concerned about the fertilizer supply. This article quotes Leon Ressler, agronomy educator with Penn State Extension. 

Leader in Intersectional Environmentalism to visit Penn State


The Penn State student group U-Belong will host Diandra Esparza, executive director of Intersectional Environmentalist, for a keynote talk on Wednesday, April 3, from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. in 10 Sparks at the University Park campus.

Building affordable futures: The State College Community Land Trust's impact on housing equity


In a community like State College, where the aspirations of its residents shape its identity, SCCLT stands as a testament to what can be achieved through collaboration and shared purpose. As SCCLT continues its mission, it not only secures homes but also fosters a sense of belonging and opportunity for all who call Happy Valley home.

Innovation linked to international exports for both rural and urban firms


U.S. companies actively engaged in creating innovative products or processes are more likely to expand into international markets, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers. The findings, which apply to both rural and urban companies, could inform efforts aimed at boosting U.S. exports.

Three Penn State faculty members collaborate on immigration initiative


At the centennial of the 1924 Johnson-Reed Immigration Act, A K Sandoval-Strausz, Tobias Brinkmann and Jennifer Van Hook, faculty members for Penn State’s College of the Liberal Arts, shifted their focus to educating the community on the impacts of immigration.This article features A. K. Scandoval-Strausz, professor of history; Tobias Brinkmann, Malvin and Lea Bank Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and History; and Jennifer Van Hook, professor of sociology and demography.

Was Baltimore’s bridge collapse the fault of the cargo ship or the bridge? Both, experts say—and there’s no quick fix on the horizon


Cargo shipping and port infrastructure are closely intertwined. Avoiding future tragedies means both entities stepping up. This article quotes Ilgin Guler, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.

Andrew Read named senior vice president for research


Andrew Read, the former director of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences and a faculty member in the departments of biology and entomology, has been selected to serve as Penn State’s senior vice president for research, following nine months as the interim senior vice president for research, effective April 1.