Institute of Energy and the Environment

Solving the world's critical energy and environmental challenges

The Institute of Energy and the Environment (IEE) connects and supports interdisciplinary teams of researchers that are solving some of the world’s most difficult energy and environmental challenges. 

Our world needs abundant, clean, safe, and affordable energy. Our planet also needs innovative solutions to sustain a healthy, protected environment. Together, we find answers that advance our local, state, national, and global communities.  

IEE's research is organized into the five strategic themes below that bring focus to the mission of our programsresearchersfacilities, projects, and events.

Climate and Natural Systems

Correcting Our Course

Our planet is a web of interconnected systems—the atmosphere, oceans, land, and living things—all constantly interacting and evolving. Climate and Natural Systems research examines these intricate relationships, helping us understand how Earth functions and how human activities impact its delicate balance. Through research and analysis, we gain insights into crucial issues like climate change, resource management, and ecosystem health, paving the way for a more sustainable future.  

Health and the Environment

Protecting Wellness

Our Health and the Environment are deeply connected. From the air we breathe to the water we drink, the quality of our surroundings directly impacts our well-being. At this intersection, Penn State researchers are exploring how environmental factors influence health outcomes and how our actions shape the planet's ability to sustain us. By understanding these connections, we can work towards a healthier future for both people and the planet. 

Integrated Energy Systems

Powering Tomorrow

Powering our lives and societies requires a constant flow of energy. However, we must be mindful of how we generate and use that energy. Researchers at Penn State are exploring energy and how to make it safe, clean, abundant, and affordable. We strive to understand the science behind different energy sources, their impact on our world, and the opportunities for a sustainable energy future through Integrated Energy Systems.  

Equitable Communities and the Built Environment

Designing for Life

Where we live, work, and play shapes our health, opportunities, and overall well-being. Through the Equitable Communities and the Built Environment theme, researchers get a better understanding of our cities, homes, and infrastructure and their relationship to livability, equity, and justice. We can then develop and implement better design choices and policies that can support a sustainable future and foster inclusive communities. 

Water Sustainability

Supporting Life

Water is the foundation of life, yet its availability and quality are constantly challenged. Penn State researchers are investigating solutions to Water Sustainability issues like water scarcity, pollution, treatment technologies, and sustainable management practices. By understanding the complex interactions between water and human activity, we can work towards a future where this vital resource is accessible, clean, and supports healthy ecosystems and thriving communities. 

Collaborate with Us

IEE's reach and involvement span all of the Penn State campuses, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the globe. Our research themes focus on timely energy and environmental challenges, as well as the unique opportunities that Penn State researchers have in shaping our shared future.

Join us in this compelling and critical mission.

Research & Education

Learn about Penn State energy and environmental research, faculty, education, and funding opportunities.

News & Events

Read about the latest research that is happening at Penn State and browse a collection of upcoming in-person and virtual events.


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