Affiliated Researchers: Vibration Control

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 9 search result(s) for Vibration Control.

Alok Sinha

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Rotors, Bladed Rotor, Mistuning, Mistuned Bladed Disk, Sliding Mode Control

Edward Smith

Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Top research keywords: Rotors, Rotor Blade, Rotorcraft, Flaps, Fluidics

Ryan Harne

Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Energy Harvesting, Harvesters, Vibration, Metamaterials, Energy

Christopher Rahn

Associate Dean for Innovation, College of Engineering
Top research keywords: Fluidics, Actuator, Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Piezoelectric

Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto

Assistant Professor, School of Engineering Design and Innovation
Top research keywords: Vibration Control, Building Structure, Semi-active, Tornado, Actuator

George Lesieutre

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, College of Engineering
Top research keywords: Damping, Actuators, Actuator, Composite Materials, Helicopters

Sez Atamturktur

Harry and Arlene Schell Professor, Architectural Engineering
Top research keywords: Uncertainty, Calibration, Numerical Models, Experiment, Model Calibration

Philip J. Morris

Boeing/A. D. Welliver Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
Top research keywords: Acoustics, Nozzles, Noise Abatement, Aeroacoustics, Computational Aeroacoustics

Zuleima Karpyn

Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research; Professor, John and Willie Leone Department of Energy & Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Relative Permeability, Well Flooding, Wettability, Oil Recovery, Multiphase Flow