Affiliated Researchers: Utah

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 8 search result(s) for Utah.

Timothy Bralower

Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Paleocene, Eocene, Nannofossil, Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Nannofossils

Tieyuan Zhu

Associate Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Wave Equation, Viscoacoustic, Attenuation, Fractional Laplacian, Reaction Time

Chris Marone

Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Fault Gouge, Fault Zone, Friction, Earthquake, Fault Slip

Miquela Ingalls

Assistant Professor in Geosciences, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Carbonate, Tibet, Stable Isotope, Tibetan Plateau, Isotopic Composition

Elizabeth Hajek

Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Stratigraphy, Flood Plain, Tectonics, Morphodynamics, Avulsion

Benjamin Cardenas

Assistant Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Mars, United States Of America, Dunes, Stratigraphy, Channel Belt

Natalie Boyle

Assistant Research Professor, Genomics of Social Behavior and Bee Health, Entomology
Top research keywords: Apoidea, Osmia Lignaria, Pollinator, Hymenoptera, Megachilidae

Jennifer Kraschnewski

Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine
Top research keywords: Pennsylvania, Obesity, Health Systems, Patient-centered, Health System