Affiliated Researchers: Social Norms

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 6 search result(s) for Social Norms.

Peter Newman

Department Head, Recreation, Park and Tourism Management
Top research keywords: National Park, National Parks, Outdoor Recreation, Protected Area, Recreation

Chris Skurka

Assistant Professor, Film-Video and Media Studies
Top research keywords: Tobacco, Nicotine, Intention, Appeal, Tobacco Products

Jessica Myrick

Professor, Film-Video and Media Studies
Top research keywords: Tanning, Social Media, VIP, Cancer, Emotion

Renee Obringer

Assistant Professor in Energy and Mineral Engineering, Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Demand, Smart City, Climate, Electricity, Sustainable Development

Anil Kumar Chaudhary

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education
Top research keywords: Evaluation, Water Conservation, Irrigation, Programming, Education

Rebecca Henn

Associate Professor, Architecture
Top research keywords: Psychological Barriers, Boundary Objects, Green Building, Architectural Design, Tax Reform