Affiliated Researchers: Natural Resources

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 90 search result(s) for Natural Resources.

Bradley Cardinale

Department Head and Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Biomass, Ecosystems, Species Richness

Andrew Mowen

Professor, Recreation, Park and Tourism Management
Top research keywords: Recreation, Leisure, Services, Public, Participation

Samantha Powers

Assistant Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management, Division of Social Sciences (Abington)
Top research keywords: Recreation, Pandemics, Social Capital, Staff, Public Perception

Clare Hinrichs

Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education
Top research keywords: Food, Bioenergy, Research Ethics, Farmer, Agriculture

Katherine Zipp

Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education
Top research keywords: Energy Crops, Ecosystem Services, Invasive Species, Bioenergy, Landowners

Russell T. Johns

Professor and FCMG Chair in Fluid Behavior and Rock Interactions, John and Willie Leone Department of Energy & Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Phase Behavior, Oils, Solubility, Recovery, Microemulsions

Zuleima Karpyn

Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research; Professor, John and Willie Leone Department of Energy & Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Rocks, Permeability, Fluids, Fluid, Oil Well Flooding

Susan Boser

Extension Educator, Renewable Natural Resources

Praharsh Patel

Student Water Council Member

Shimin Liu

Professor, John and Willie Leone Department of Energy & Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Coal, Coal Bed Methane, Shale, Sorption, Methane