Affiliated Researchers: Flight

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 13 search result(s) for Flight.

Rudolf Schilder

Associate Professor, Entomology
Top research keywords: Alternative Splicing, RNA Precursors, Odonata, Troponin T, Muscles

Lisa Emili

Associate Professor, Division of Mathematics & Natural Sciences (Altoona)
Top research keywords: Peatland, Peatlands, Non-Point Source Pollution, British Columbia, Groundwater Flow

Jacob Langelaan

Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Top research keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Trajectories, Aircraft, Landing, Navigation

Kenneth Brentner

Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Top research keywords: Acoustics, Rotors, Aeroacoustics, Helicopters, Helicopter Rotors

James Marden

Professor, Biology
Top research keywords: Insecta, Odonata, Flight, Anisoptera (Odonata), Butterflies

Michael Gannon

Professor, Division of Mathematics & Natural Sciences (Altoona)
Top research keywords: Chiroptera, Puerto Rico, Experimental Forests, Hurricanes, Habitat Selection

Jared Ali

Associate Professor, Entomology
Top research keywords: Herbivores, Herbivory, Herbivore, Nematode, Entomopathogenic Nematodes

Mare Sarr

Associate Professor, School of International Affairs
Top research keywords: Technological Change, Rainfall, International Transfers, Rebound Effect, Resources

Carolyn Mahan

Professor, Division of Mathematics & Natural Sciences (Altoona)
Top research keywords: Tamias Striatus, Sciuridae, National Parks, Flying Squirrels, Glaucomys Sabrinus

Julie Urban

Associate Research Professor, Entomology
Top research keywords: Fulgoridae, Hemiptera, Lycorma Delicatula, Fulgoroidea, Planthopper

John Cimbala

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Neutron Radiography, Vortex Flow, Flow Visualization, Heat Pipes, Neutrons

Hilal Ezgi Toraman

Assistant Professor, John and Willie Leone Department of Energy & Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Pyrolysis, Xylans, Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, Bio-Oil, Catalysts

Mark Maughmer

Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Top research keywords: Airfoils, Aerodynamics, Drag, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Boundary Layers