Can machine learning lead to cleaner water and more efficient ionic separations?
A Louisiana State University-Penn State team, including IEE Cofund Christopher Arges, received a $1.5 million U.S. Department of Energy grant to leverage data science to secure freshwater supplies and recover critical minerals.
Penn State DuBois students get hands-on experience protecting PA state tree
Pennsylvania’s state tree is under attack by an invasive species of insect known as the hemlock woolly adelgid. Penn State DuBois students are helping conservation professionals combat this threat.
Coral microbiome is key to surviving climate change, new study finds
Researchers identified several genes within certain corals and the symbiotic photosynthetic algae that live inside their tissues that may play a role in their response to heat stress. The findings could inform current coral reef conservation efforts, for example, by highlighting the potential benefits of amending coral reefs with microbes found to bolster corals’ heat-stress responses.
Schreyer Scholar analyzes Caribbean coral bleaching patterns
Schreyer Scholar and Eberly College of Science student Jack Howard studied the bleaching patterns of Caribbean coral as part of a Research Experiences for Undergraduates experience at Florida International University.
Penn State partners on project to help protect coastal communities
A Penn State researcher is part of a research team that was awarded a four-year, $1.5 million grant through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to study the effects of sea level rise and how it may exacerbate the impact of extreme weather.
Penn State Harrisburg to host research showcase, Oct. 7 and 8
Penn State Harrisburg will host the inaugural two-day research showcase, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 7 and 8, highlighting research accomplishments of Penn State Harrisburg faculty, staff and students. Renowned oceanographer and explorer Sylvia Earle will serve as keynote speaker.
Mitigating carbon may have unintended consequences
Controlling carbon release into the atmosphere will reduce carbon dioxide and slow global warming, but could there be unintended consequences for human health? Now, though a three-year, $400,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, researchers will investigate potential positives and negatives of decarbonization.
Penn State to play key role in Mid-Atlantic NSF I-Corps Hub
The National Science Foundation has awarded Penn State $1.5 million as one of eight universities selected to participate in the Mid-Atlantic NSF I-Corps Hub, led by the University of Maryland. This funding will enable Penn State to expand entrepreneurial training to academic researchers in science and engineering to foster and maintain U.S. global leadership in innovation.
Preparing for more extensive and frequent floods makes sense
| by Courtney Cooper, Cassandra LC Troy
As global temperatures rise, the implications of climate change are unfolding quickly. Political, cultural, economic, social, and psychological factors influence societal views about climate change adaptation. Although ignoring the implications of a changing climate can seem easier in the short run, avoidance will be costly in the long run. Ignoring the issue is especially problematic in areas with forecasts for more extensive and frequent floods.
College of Ag Sciences senior finds path in environmental academics and action
Penn State senior Elka Hoelsken is exploring environmental and natural resource issues as a student in the Environmental Resource Management program.
Program to enhance inclusion and belonging for Penn State STEM professionals
An innovative program to help increase inclusion among underrepresented groups within STEM professions recently received a grant from Penn State’s Office of Educational Equity. The program, known as the Research Professionals Network, or ResearchPros, seeks to bridge communications and strengthen connections between IT and research staff through a community of practice model.
$2 million grant awarded for climate-adaptive infrastructure design
Researchers from Penn State and the University of Pittsburgh were awarded a $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a new approach to infrastructure design that uses climate projection models and artificial intelligence to evaluate the likely long-term economic and environmental impacts of infrastructure design choices.