Penn State Energy and Environment News

Presidential Leadership Academy announces 2023 cohort of students


Penn State’s Presidential Leadership Academy (PLA) has selected its new cohort of 30 exceptional second-year students. It is the 14th group of new PLA members since 2009 when the academy was founded by alumni Edward R. and Helen S. Hintz.

Third day of Startup Week themed ‘Social Impact’


The third day of Startup Week powered by PNC, Wednesday, March 22, is themed Social Impact, and will include events such as creating your own upcycled fashion brand and a talk with a former professional football player on his path to activism.

Energy and mineral engineering graduate student awarded fellowship grant


Elham Rahimi, a graduate student in the John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, received the SME Ph.D. Fellowship grant from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.

Propelling the future: A Q&A with START Lab Director Karen Thole


Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine Lab was founded in 2012 in the Penn State Department of Mechanical Engineering through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Lab (DOE-NETL) and Pratt & Whitney. The turbine testing facility was designed to perform turbine heat transfer studies, along with instrumentation development and integration of additive manufacturing to increase the speed in advancing turbine research.

Judges needed for Undergraduate Exhibition on April 10-12


Faculty, emeriti faculty, staff, post-docs and doctoral students trained as researchers are encouraged to volunteer as judges for the 2023 Undergraduate Exhibition on Research, Inquiry, and Creative Activity, from April 10-12.  

Researcher to image lab earthquake formation, precursory signals with ultrasound


Jacques Rivière, assistant professor of engineering science and mechanics and of acoustics, received a five-year, $750,000 Early Career Award from the U.S. Department of Energy to advance the use of ultrasound sensors to image lab-based earthquakes and better understand the precursory events that lead to them.

NAE Awards the 2023 Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Grants for Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research


Hee-Jeung Oh received a Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Grants, a program of the National Academy of Engineering.

Penn State, University of Auckland announce seed-funded collaboration program


Penn State and the University of Auckland, New Zealand, have announced a second round of the Collaboration Program, a jointly financed seed-fund program with the aim to collaborate on research and education projects. 

Insecticides devastating PA honeybee population, lawmakers say


The chemical insecticide, banned in Europe since 2013, remains legal in Pennsylvania. A specific class of insecticides is devastating to honeybees and other pollinators crucial to Pennsylvania's ecology and economy, according to lawmakers who are pushing for restrictions on its use. This article mentions Penn State research.

Penn State gleaning secrets from soil before war and radiation


Imagine a sample of earth that is completely untouched by two World Wars, nuclear radiation, and pesticides. Penn State has a 100-year-old uncompromised sample — and is working to uncode what the sample could hold.

Penn State wins sustainability in the Big Ten


After establishing the Sustainability Institute 10 years ago, Penn State has made huge strides in amplifying sustainability efforts across the university, shepherding research and forming partnerships. See how the institute’s work has earned Penn State the top spot for sustainability within the Big Ten — and why that matters for business.

Applications sought for 2023 M.G. Whiting Indigenous Knowledge Research Awards


Current Penn State graduate and undergraduate students are invited to submit proposals for the 2023 M.G. Whiting Indigenous Knowledge Research Awards. The deadline for submissions is March 31.