Penn State Energy and Environment News

Future Susan Welch Liberal Arts Building to feature bird-friendly glass


As a result of a partnership between Penn State Sustainability, the Office of Physical Plant, and the College of the Liberal Arts, the Susan Welch Liberal Arts Building, will be home to several bird-friendly features, including a section of bird-friendly glass and an experimental design feature that should help prevent window strikes.

Why we’re still breathing dirty indoor air


The pandemic and recent wildfires have shown how unhealthy indoor air can be. But scientific and governmental inertia have slowed the necessary remedies. This article quotes William Bahnfleth, professor of architectural engineering.

A new sign for the 'birthplace of Penn State' marks the school's agricultural roots


Penn State started out as the Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania to help make farming practices more productive in the commonwealth.

Dubai’s costly water world


The city has spent billions of dollars to provide fresh water to its residents and tourist attractions, but experts say the efforts are straining the Persian Gulf’s natural resources. This article quotes Bruce Logan, Evan Pugh Professor and Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and director of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Campus and Community Sustainability Expo to be held Dec. 7


The upcoming Campus and Community Sustainability Expo, which will be held on Dec. 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the State College Municipal building, brings together students, stakeholders, faculty, and Penn State administration to celebrate community-based student projects.

Engineering alumni society recognizes awardees' outstanding contributions


At its annual awards ceremony, the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society recognized engineering faculty, staff and alumni members for outstanding teaching, research, advising and service.  

Adaptive 3D concrete printing work earns Stuckeman collaborative research grant


A research proposal by Benay Gürsoy, assistant professor of architecture, was awarded nearly $50,000 as the 2023-24 recipient of the Stuckeman School’s Collaborative Design Research Fund, which supports collaboration in design innovation. Gürsoy seeks to overcome the challenges of 3D printing concrete structures on indefinite surfaces in an effort to reduce the environmental effects of housing construction.

Before and after satellite images show Lake Powell water levels rise


Lake Powell's water levels are higher than they were this time last year, thanks to the huge snowmelt from the winter snowstorms across the southwest. This article quotes, Antonia Hadjimichael, Assistant professor in geosciences, and Erica Smithwick, Professor of geography. 

College of Engineering to raise support for student success on GivingTuesday


The Penn State College of Engineering invites alumni and friends to support engineering student success through a GivingTuesday gift on Nov. 28 as Penn State celebrates its ninth GivingTuesday. 

A Note from Neeli


Join me on my recent visit to the Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross Student Farm — home base of the Student Farm Club, where I had the wonderful opportunity to learn from some of our amazing students and staff, experience the farm’s impact first-hand, and even harvest a few late-season tomatoes to be distributed to the community by Penn State students.  

David Simpson named Eberly college associate dean for diversity and inclusion


David Simpson, associate teaching professor at Northeastern University, has been named the associate dean for diversity and inclusion in the Penn State Eberly College of Science, effective Jan. 1, 2024.

Penn State researcher and partners earn collaborative coastal resilience grant


Peter Stempel, associate professor of landscape architecture at Penn State, has partnered with researchers at the University of Rhode Island to assess how nature-based solutions reduce coastal vulnerability to sea level rise while preserving ecosystem services in Charlestown, Rhode Island.