Anthony Richardella

Affiliate Researcher
Titles and Affiliations
Assistant Research Professor, Materials Research Institute (MRI)

In the News

Research Keywords

Recent Publications

Epitaxial growth and characterization of Bi1−xSbx thin films on (0001) sapphire substrates

Huang, Y. S., Islam, S., Ou, Y., Ghosh, S., Richardella, A., Mkhoyan, K. A. & Samarth, N., Feb 1 2024, In: APL Materials. 12, 2, 021106.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Thin film growth of the Weyl semimetal NbAs

Yánez-Parreño, W., Huang, Y. S., Ghosh, S., Islam, S., Gómez, J. E., Steinebronn, E., Richardella, A., Avilés-Félix, L., Butera, A., Mkhoyan, K. A. & Samarth, N., Mar 2024, In: Physical Review Materials. 8, 3, 034204.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Interface-induced superconductivity in magnetic topological insulators

Yi, H., Zhao, Y. F., Chan, Y. T., Cai, J., Mei, R., Wu, X., Yan, Z. J., Zhou, L. J., Zhang, R., Wang, Z., Paolini, S., Xiao, R., Wang, K., Richardella, A. R., Singleton, J., Winter, L. E., Prokscha, T., Salman, Z., Suter, A. & Balakrishnan, P. P. & 7 others, Grutter, A. J., Chan, M. H. W., Samarth, N., Xu, X., Wu, W., Liu, C. X. & Chang, C. Z., Feb 9 2024, In: Science. 383, 6683, p. 634-639 6 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Direct visualization of electronic transport in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator

Ferguson, G. M., Xiao, R., Richardella, A. R., Low, D., Samarth, N. & Nowack, K. C., Sep 2023, In: Nature Materials. 22, 9, p. 1100-1105 6 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Thermally generated spin current in the topological insulator Bi2Se3

Jain, R., Stanley, M., Bose, A., Richardella, A. R., Zhang, X. S., Pillsbury, T., Muller, D. A., Samarth, N. & Ralph, D. C., Dec 2023, In: Science Advances. 9, 50, eadi4540.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Dirac-fermion-assisted interfacial superconductivity in epitaxial topological-insulator/iron-chalcogenide heterostructures

Yi, H., Hu, L. H., Zhao, Y. F., Zhou, L. J., Yan, Z. J., Zhang, R., Yuan, W., Wang, Z., Wang, K., Hickey, D. R., Richardella, A. R., Singleton, J., Winter, L. E., Wu, X., Chan, M. H. W., Samarth, N., Liu, C. X. & Chang, C. Z., Dec 2023, In: Nature communications. 14, 1, 7119.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

ZrTe2/CrTe2: an epitaxial van der Waals platform for spintronics

Ou, Y., Yanez, W., Xiao, R., Stanley, M., Ghosh, S., Zheng, B., Jiang, W., Huang, Y. S., Pillsbury, T., Richardella, A., Liu, C., Low, T., Crespi, V. H., Mkhoyan, K. A. & Samarth, N., Dec 2022, In: Nature communications. 13, 1, 2972.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Giant Dampinglike-Torque Efficiency in Naturally Oxidized Polycrystalline TaAs Thin Films

Yanez, W., Ou, Y., Xiao, R., Ghosh, S., Dwivedi, J., Steinebronn, E., Richardella, A., Mkhoyan, K. A. & Samarth, N., Nov 2022, In: Physical Review Applied. 18, 5, 054004.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Crossover from Ising- to Rashba-type superconductivity in epitaxial Bi2Se3/monolayer NbSe2 heterostructures

Yi, H., Hu, L. H., Wang, Y., Xiao, R., Cai, J., Hickey, D. R., Dong, C., Zhao, Y. F., Zhou, L. J., Zhang, R., Richardella, A. R., Alem, N., Robinson, J. A., Chan, M. H. W., Xu, X., Samarth, N., Liu, C. X. & Chang, C. Z., Dec 2022, In: Nature Materials. 21, 12, p. 1366-1372 7 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Magnetization relaxation and search for the magnetic gap in bulk-insulating V-doped (Bi, Sb)2Te3

Golias, E., Weschke, E., Flanagan, T., Schierle, E., Richardella, A., Rienks, E. D. L., Mandal, P. S., Varykhalov, A., Sánchez-Barriga, J., Radu, F., Samarth, N. & Rader, O., Sep 27 2021, In: Applied Physics Letters. 119, 13, 132404.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Capping layer influence and isotropic in-plane upper critical field of the superconductivity at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface

Li, Y., Wang, Z., Xiao, R., Li, Q., Wang, K., Richardella, A., Wang, J. & Samarth, N., Mar 2021, In: Physical Review Materials. 5, 3, 034802.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Mapping the phase diagram of the quantum anomalous Hall and topological Hall effects in a dual-gated magnetic topological insulator heterostructure

Xiao, R., Xiao, D., Jiang, J., Shin, J. H., Wang, F., Zhao, Y. F., Zhang, R. X., Richardella, A., Wang, K., Kayyalha, M., Chan, M. H. W., Liu, C. X., Chang, C. Z. & Samarth, N., Sep 2021, In: Physical Review Research. 3, 3, L032004.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Spin and Charge Interconversion in Dirac-Semimetal Thin Films

Yanez, W., Ou, Y., Xiao, R., Koo, J., Held, J. T., Ghosh, S., Rable, J., Pillsbury, T., Delgado, E. G., Yang, K., Chamorro, J., Grutter, A. J., Quarterman, P., Richardella, A., Sengupta, A., McQueen, T., Borchers, J. A., Mkhoyan, K. A., Yan, B. & Samarth, N., Nov 2021, In: Physical Review Applied. 16, 5, 054031.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Changes of Magnetism in a Magnetic Insulator due to Proximity to a Topological Insulator

Liu, T., Kally, J., Pillsbury, T., Liu, C., Chang, H., Ding, J., Cheng, Y., Hilse, M., Engel-Herbert, R., Richardella, A., Samarth, N. & Wu, M., Jul 3 2020, In: Physical review letters. 125, 1, 017204.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Low-temperature saturation of phase coherence length in topological insulators

Islam, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Nhalil, H., Banerjee, M., Richardella, A., Kandala, A., Sen, D., Samarth, N., Elizabeth, S. & Ghosh, A., Jun 13 2019, In: Physical Review B. 99, 24, 245407.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review