Affiliated Researchers: Water Footprint

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 5 search result(s) for Water Footprint.

Rui Shi

Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Top research keywords: Jet Fuel, Fuel, Jet, Life Cycle, Greenhouse Gases

Renee Obringer

Assistant Professor in Energy and Mineral Engineering, Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Demand, Smart City, Climate, Electricity, Sustainable Development

Heather Preisendanz

Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Top research keywords: Drug Products, Wastewater, Nutrients, Impurities, Runoff

Alfonso Mejia

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Top research keywords: Streamflow, Forecast, Basin, Water, Water Flow

Tania Slawecki

Research Associate, Materials Research Institute (MRI)
Top research keywords: Microwaves, Microwave, Shear, Shearing, Magnetrons