Affiliated Researchers: Redox Properties

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 6 search result(s) for Redox Properties.

Christopher Gorski

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Top research keywords: Iron Oxide, Fe2+, Fe(II), Battery-type Electrode, Thermally Regenerative Ammonia-based Battery

Adri van Duin

Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: ReaxFF, Surface (Surface Science), Computer Simulation, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, ReaxFF Reactive Force Field

Timothy Tighe

Assistant Research Professor, Materials Characterization Lab
Top research keywords: Surface (Surface Science), Self Assembled Monolayer, Methoxy, Monolayers, Self-assembled Monolayer

Donghai Wang

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Anodes, Lithium Sulfur Batteries, Anode, Lithium-ion Batteries, Cathodes

Robert Rioux

Professor, Chemical Engineering
Top research keywords: Nanoparticle, Platinum, Surface (Surface Science), Hydrogenation, Oxidation Reaction

Mary Ann Bruns

Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Soil, Manure, Dairy Manure, Odorants, Bacteria