Affiliated Researchers: Point Detection
Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.
Displaying 5 search result(s) for Point Detection.
Sanjay Srinivasan
Department Head and Professor, John and Willie Leone Department of Energy & Mineral Engineering (EME)
Top research keywords: Reservoir Model, Dynamic Data, Seismic Data, Multiple Point, Carbon Dioxide
William Burgos
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Top research keywords: Iron Oxide, Fe(II), Bioreduction, Low PH, U(VI)
Jie Zhao
Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Software Engineering, School of Engineering (Behrend)
Top research keywords: Wind Power Ramps, Wind Power, Power Production, Conventional Method, Power Generation
Rebecca Napolitano
Assistant Professor in Architectural Engineering, Architectural Engineering
Top research keywords: Masonry Structure, Structural Health Monitoring, Historic Structures, Masonry Structures, Masonry Building
Long He
Associate Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Top research keywords: Apple, Mechanical Harvesting, Apple Orchard, Orchard, Mechanical Energy Harvesting