Affiliated Researchers: Lake Basin
Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.
Displaying 6 search result(s) for Lake Basin.
Anthony Foyle
Associate Professor, School of Science (Behrend)
Top research keywords: Pennsylvania, Lake Erie, United States, United States Of America, Great Lakes
Kimberly Van Meter
Assistant Professor, Geography
Top research keywords: Water Quality, Eutrophication, Groundwater, Mississippi, N Input
William Burgos
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Top research keywords: Iron Oxide, Fe(II), Bioreduction, Low PH, U(VI)
Larry Gorenflo
Eleanor R. Stuckeman Chair in Design and Professor, Landscape Architecture
Top research keywords: Mexico, Basin Of Mexico, Settlement Patterns, Biodiversity Conservation, Pre-Hispanic
José M. Capriles
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Top research keywords: Bolivia, Chile, Andes, Altiplano, Radiocarbon Dating