Affiliated Researchers: Irradiance

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 8 search result(s) for Irradiance.

Steven Feldstein

Research Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: North Atlantic Oscillation, Teleconnection, Madden-Julian Oscillation, Winter, Convection

Eugene Clothiaux

Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: Atmospheric Radiation, Radiation Measurement, Atmospheric Measurements, Atmospherics, Cloud Radar

Joseph Ranalli

Associate Professor, Penn State Hazleton
Top research keywords: Transfer Function, Irradiance, Heat Release Rate, Advection, Diffusion Flame

Richard Mistrick

Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering, Architectural Engineering
Top research keywords: Lighting System, Daylight, Photosensor, Illuminance, Systems Performance

Sukyoung Lee

Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: Rossby Wave, Air Temperature, Temperate Region, Atmospherics, Eddies

Margaret Busse

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Disinfection Methods, Blood Analogues, Non-Newtonian Blood, Refractive Index, Viscosity

James Freihaut

Professor, Architectural Engineering
Top research keywords: Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation, Resuspension, Duct, Commercial Building, Lamp

Julian Wang

Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering
Top research keywords: Energy Conservation, Thermal Comfort, Thermal Performance, Building Envelope, Energy Building