Affiliated Researchers: Fabrication Methods

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 7 search result(s) for Fabrication Methods.

Amanda Johnsen

Assistant Professor, Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering
Top research keywords: Reactor, Irradiation, Neutron Activation Analysis, Fast Neutron, Pennsylvania

Jennifer Gray

Assistant Research Professor, Materials Characterization Lab
Top research keywords: Quantum Dot, Si(111), SiGe, Surface (Surface Science), Film

Clive Randall

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Top research keywords: Sintering, Ferroelectric Material, Barium Titanate, Dielectric Property, Piezoelectricity

Marek Flaska

Associate Professor, Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering
Top research keywords: Neutron, Gamma Radiation, Scintillation Counter, Pulse Shape Discrimination, Pulse Shape

Brian Fronk

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Microchannel, Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Pressure Drop, Condensation, High Temperature

Adri van Duin

Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: ReaxFF, Surface (Surface Science), Computer Simulation, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, ReaxFF Reactive Force Field

Huanyu "Larry" Cheng

Associate Professor and Dorothy Quiggle Career Development Professor in Engineering, Engineering Science and Mechanics
Top research keywords: Stretchable, Silicon, Surface (Surface Science), Graphene, Laser-Induced Graphene