Affiliated Researchers: Air Flow

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 10 search result(s) for Air Flow.

Michael Barringer

Associate Research Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Turbines, Combustors, Seals, Engines, Cooling

Ali Borhan

Professor, Chemical Engineering
Top research keywords: Drop, Surface Active Agents, Fluids, Flow, Bubble

Sven Schmitz

Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Top research keywords: Rotors, Wind Turbines, Drag, Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Vortex Flow

Mark Maughmer

Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Top research keywords: Airfoils, Aerodynamics, Drag, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Boundary Layers

John Cimbala

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Top research keywords: Neutron Radiography, Vortex Flow, Flow Visualization, Heat Pipes, Neutrons

Tyler Groh

Assistant Research Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Nitrates, Buffers, Denitrification, Nitrate, Drainage

Ezra Clark

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Top research keywords: Electrochemical Reduction, Nanowires, Reduction, Nanowire, Positive Ions

Bruce Miller

Research Professor, EMS Energy Institute
Top research keywords: Coal, Adsorbents, Flue Gases, Adsorption, Fuel

Darla Lindberg

Professor of Architecture, Architecture
Top research keywords: Farm To Fork, Glycemic Index, Public Policy, Poultry Housing, Video Games

William Brune

Distinguished Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: Aerosol, Oxidation, Isoprene, Ozone, Troposphere