Recording of Day 1
View the video of Day 1 of the Water Forum (Restricted to Penn State employees and students)
Day 1
All Day 1 activities will be via Zoom.
Welcome & Logistics (Welcome - Provost Nick Jones, with an introduction by Senior Vice President for Research Lora Weiss)
Panel 1 – World of Water: Issues and Priorities at Scale
(A panel discussion; 75 mins total, including 10-min overviews of key issues from each panelist, followed by Q&A)
- Moderator: Lilliard Richardson, Director of the School of Public Policy and Professor of Public Policy, Penn State University
- Global perspective – Julien Katchinoff, Water Team Lead, U.S. Department of State (confirmed)
- National perspective – Jennifer Saleem Arrigo, formerly, U.S. Global Change Research Program, National Coordination Office, contractor (confirmed)
- State perspective – Summer Kunkel, Acting Director, Compacts and Commissions Office, Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (confirmed)
- Local perspective –Erin Letavic, Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) (confirmed)
Coffee Break
Panel 2 – The World of Water: Perspectives from the Private Sector
(A panel discussion; 75 mins total, including a 10-min overview from each panelist, followed by Q&A)
- Moderator: Maurie Kelly, Director, Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access and Instructor, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University
- Industry –
- Marianne Ross, Senior Director of Sustainability, PepsiCo (confirmed)
- Greg Scott, American Society of Civil Engineers and CDM Smith (confirmed)
- Civil society –
- Deb Nardone, ClearWater Conservancy (confirmed)
- Jodi Rose, Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (confirmed)
Coffee Break
Panel 3 – Future Directions: Resources for Water-Related Priorities
(A panel discussion, with perspectives shared on water-related resources and funding sources; 60 mins total, including brief introductory overviews from each panelist, followed by Q&A)
- Moderator: Tom Richard, Director, Institutes of Energy and the Environment and Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Penn State University
- Jared Entin, Program Officer, NASA, Water and Energy Cycle research Program (confirmed)
- Jennifer Saleem Arrigo, Program Manager, US DOE Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research (confirmed)
- Eric Reinhard, Penn State Development Office (confirmed)
Summary, Day 2 Preview, and Closing
Day 2
All Day 2 activities will be via Gathertown
Pre-Forum Mingle
(Attendees are invited to show up early, get oriented in the Gathertown platform, socialize and network, or visit any of the breakout rooms to learn more about University resources, the new Penn State Association of Water Students [PAWS], or meet new water faculty and your Water Council)
Welcome & Logistics (Andy Warner/Ken Davis)
(A brief review of Day 1 and overview of the Day 2 agenda, with a few words of inspiration and how to function in Gathertown)
Penn State Water Updates
Penn State Water business, to include a series of brief updates on key current and emerging efforts from water-related institutes, centers, and initiatives across the university, the upcoming Water Council election and other opportunities to engage in the emerging Water Consortium, Water Consortium proposal, innovations in water education, new Penn State water student club, water faculty co-funded positions, sources of internal funding, and other.
Breakout Rooms and Information Centers
Attendees can move between and share ideas and network with colleagues across interdisciplinary research Breakout Rooms and Information Centers. The interdisciplinary breakout rooms will connect across natural and social sciences, engineering, policy and law, arts and the humanities, and business and finance, and cross-cutting topics including social justice, climate change, and big data and emerging technologies.
Coffee Break, and transition to the Poster Session
Poster Session
A session for posters and other water-related submissions from Penn State undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-docs. This is designed to allow students ad post docs to virtually share their work and contribute to the conversation with a large, diverse audience spanning the breadth of water-related activities across Penn State campuses. Creators from all disciplines are encouraged, including natural and social sciences, engineering, policy and law, visual and performing arts, humanities, communications, and other.
Wrap-up & Closing