Water Cooler Talk: Municipal Stormwater Management in Pennsylvania

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Learn about ongoing work in water resources, engage in discussions about green stormwater infrastructure, and exchange ideas with professionals across Pennsylvania.

Stormwater is a growing concern for local governments in Pennsylvania, especially those that operate state-regulated municipal separate storm sewer systems, often referred to as MS4s. This presentation will discuss the environmental and economic risks of stormwater, review the public policies that led to the creation of the State's MS4 permit program, and highlight the resources that Penn State Extension has developed to help individuals and communities minimize stormwater runoff and pollution. This talk is for anyone who would like to learn more about how urban stormwater is managed at the local level in Pennsylvania. Major topics will include how regulated MS4s are selected and permitted by PADEP, the minimum control measures municipalities are required to implement to comply with statewide municipal stormwater goals, and the most common methods communities use to fund their stormwater management activities, including through the enactment of specialized utility fees.