Engage with Industry Event

Date and Time
252 Food Science Building

Please join us for an Engage with Industry event meant to share information on resources, best practices, and topics that impact the daily work of Penn State staff who engage with corporations.

Topics will include:

  • What is corporate engagement and how does it differ from engaging with individuals at companies?
  • What do companies want? Creating your value proposition to industry
  • Working with research administrations and collaborative procedures
  • What is IP and how does Penn State protect IP?
  • Types of agreements from the Office of Sponsored Programs and when they are used 
  • When to bring the Compliance Office into the conversation
  • Entrepreneurship and Invent Penn State

Morning sessions will be more broadly applicable to all staff and afternoon sessions will focus on topics more applicable to staff who are interested in research and industry partnerships. Join us for the whole day or choose your sessions. You can choose to attend in-person in room 252 of the Food Science Building (above the Creamery) or there will be a virtual option available. Space is limited so registration will be required and will follow in a future invitation. 

Questions? Please email corporations@psu.edu