This project will prototype a building energy control system that enables operations to be optimally coordinated in consideration of uncertainty. Novel algorithmic advancements are proposed to improve the efficiency and scalability of stochastic optimization methods when applied to problems in the high-performance building and electric grid domains. The performance of the uncertainty-aware controller will be evaluated through co-simulation by coupling the controller with detailed, physics-based building energy simulation models. To execute this work, a new collaboration is being formed that merges expertise in building energy system controls, stochastic optimization algorithms and theory, and decision making under uncertainty.
Resulting Publications
- Min Gyung Yu, Gregory S. Pavlak, Uday V. Shanbhag, Uncertainty-aware optimal dispatch of building thermal storage portfolios via smoothed variance-reduced accelerated gradient methods, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 51, 2022, 104405, ISSN 2352-152X,
Yu, M. G., and Pavlak, G. S. (November 7, 2022). "Quantifying the Value of Stochastic Supervisory Controller for Building Thermal Energy Storage Aggregators in Two-Settlement Grid Markets." ASME. J. Eng. Sustain. Bldgs. Cities. August 2022; 3(3): 031002.
Yu, Min Gyung and Pavlak, Gregory, "Assessing the Value of Uncertainty-Aware Transactive Control Framework for Commercial and Residential Buildings" (2021). International High Performance Buildings Conference. Paper 380.
Min Gyung Yu, Gregory S. Pavlak, Assessing the performance of uncertainty-aware transactive controls for building thermal energy storage systems, Applied Energy, Volume 282, Part B, 2021, 116103, ISSN 0306-2619,
M. G. Yu and G. S. Pavlak, "Two-Stage Stochastic Planning for Control of Building Thermal Energy Storage Portfolios with Transactive Controls," 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 2020, pp. 2339-2344,