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Recent Publications
The impact of nuclear data uncertainty on identifying plutonium diversion in liquid-fueled Molten Salt Reactors
Vidal Soares, A., Kovacevic, B., Johnsen, A., Lintereur, A., Betzler, B., Dion, M., Shoman, N. & Walters, W., Oct 2023, In: Annals of Nuclear Energy. 191, 109881.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
An approach to assess potential environmental mercury release, food web bioaccumulation, and human dietary methylmercury uptake from decommissioning offshore oil and gas infrastructure
von Hellfeld, R., Gade, C., Koppel, D. J., Walters, W. J., Kho, F. & Hastings, A., Jun 15 2023, In: Journal of Hazardous Materials. 452, 131298.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Neutronic Evaluation and Optimization of the Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Rocket Concept
Walters, W. J., 2023, In: Nuclear Science and Engineering. 197, 8, p. 2150-2160 11 p.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Development of Uncertainty Analysis Techniques for the Fission MatrixâBased Neutron Transport Code RAPID
He, D. & Walters, W., 2022, In: Nuclear Science and Engineering. 196, 9, p. 1101-1113 13 p.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Investigating the dynamics of methylmercury bioaccumulation in the Beaufort Sea shelf food web: a modeling perspective
Li, M. L., Gillies, E. J., Briner, R., Hoover, C. A., Sora, K. J., Loseto, L. L., Walters, W. J., Cheung, W. W. L. & Giang, A., Jun 24 2022, In: Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts. 24, 7, p. 1010-1025 16 p.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Toward the Engineering Feasibility of the Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Rocket
Thomas, D., Houts, M., Walters, W., Hollingsworth, K., Frederick, R. & Cassibry, J., May 19 2022, In: JBIS - Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. 75, 5, p. 181-188 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Strategies for Fast Fission Matrix Estimation with Fuel Temperature and Control Rod Feedback
Rau, A. J. & Walters, W. J., 2021, In: Nuclear Science and Engineering. 195, 10, p. 1017-1035 19 p.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Toward the Engineering Feasibility of the Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Rocket
Thomas, D., Houts, M., Walters, W., Hollingsworth, K., Frederick, R. & Cassibry, J., 2021, In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. C4Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Conference article ⺠peer-review
An Ecopath with Ecosim model for the Pacific coast of eastern Japan: Describing the marine environment and its fisheries prior to the Great East Japan earthquake
Booth, S., Walters, W. J., Steenbeek, J., Christensen, V. & Charmasson, S., Jul 15 2020, In: Ecological Modelling. 428, 109087.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Neutronics analysis for designing a low activation heated test cell
Buratynski, M. & Walters, W. J., 2020, In: Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 122, p. 181-184 4 p.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Conference article ⺠peer-review
A correction method for RAPID fission matrix calculations with control rod movement
He, D. & Walters, W. J., Mar 2020, In: Progress in Nuclear Energy. 121, 103226.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Development of RAPID transport calculation with heterogeneous temperature distribution
He, D. & Walters, W. J., Dec 1 2020, In: Annals of Nuclear Energy. 148, 107685.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Fission matrix homogenization and iterative convergence in RAPID
He, D. & Walters, W. J., Aug 2020, In: Progress in Nuclear Energy. 126, 103407.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
Validation of coupled fission matrix â TRACE methods for thermal-hydraulic and control feedback on the Penn State Breazeale Reactor
Rau, A. & Walters, W. J., May 2020, In: Progress in Nuclear Energy. 123, 103273.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review
An iterative fission matrix scheme for calculating steady-state power and critical control rod position in a TRIGA reactor
Topham, T. J., Rau, A. & Walters, W. J., Jan 2020, In: Annals of Nuclear Energy. 135, 106984.Research output: Contribution to journal ⺠Article ⺠peer-review