Ryan Baxter

Affiliate Researcher
Titles and Affiliations
Associate Teaching Professor, Geography

Ryan Baxter is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Geography and the Dutton e-Education Institute within the College of Earth & Mineral Sciences. He teaches courses for the Penn State Online Geospatial Program, which offers Certificate and Master's Degree options in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and also teaches undergraduate GIS courses in the Department of Geography.

Baxter is active in several research projects at Penn State's Institute of Energy & the Environment (IEE) that span two topical areas: geographic information science and the land-use implications of energy production. His GIS-related research interests include spatial databases, online data discovery tools, interactive mapping applications, and cloud-based GIS services. He is the lead developer and system administrator for the Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA) clearinghouse and the Penn State Data Commons. His energy-related research interests include the spatial modeling of land-use change, quantifying the amount of land available for bioenergy feedstocks, and assessing the suitability and productivity of energy crops, such as switchgrass and winter rye.

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Recent Publications

Estimating Available Abandoned Cropland in the United States: Possibilities for Energy Crop Production

Baxter, R. E. & Calvert, K. E., Sep 3 2017, In: Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 107, 5, p. 1162-1178 17 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Cellulosic biofuel potential of a winter rye double crop across the U.S. corn-soybean belt

Feyereisen, G. W., Camargo, G. G. T., Baxter, R. E., Baker, J. M. & Richard, T. L., May 2013, In: Agronomy Journal. 105, 3, p. 631-642 12 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Winter crop and residue biomass potential in China

Baxter, R., Feyereisen, G., Yu, Y. & Richard, T. L., Sep 1 2011, In: Biofuels. 2, 5, p. 503-513 11 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review