George Perry

Affiliate Researcher
Titles and Affiliations
Professor, Anthropology

In the News

Research Keywords

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Recent Publications

Genomic signatures of adaptation in native lizards exposed to human-introduced fire ants

Assis, B. A., Sullivan, A. P., Marciniak, S., Bergey, C. M., Garcia, V., Szpiech, Z. A., Langkilde, T. & Perry, G. H., Dec 2025, In: Nature communications. 16, 1, 89.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Ecological and anthropogenic effects on the genomic diversity of lemurs in Madagascar

Orkin, J. D., Kuderna, L. F. K., Hermosilla-Albala, N., Fontsere, C., Aylward, M. L., Janiak, M. C., Andriaholinirina, N., Balaresque, P., Blair, M. E., Fausser, J. L., Gut, I. G., Gut, M., Hahn, M. W., Harris, R. A., Horvath, J. E., Keyser, C., Kitchener, A. C., Le, M. D., Lizano, E. & Merker, S. & 14 others, Nadler, T., Perry, G. H., Rabarivola, C. J., Rasmussen, L., Raveendran, M., Roos, C., Wu, D. D., Zaramody, A., Zhang, G., Zinner, D., Pozzi, L., Rogers, J., Farh, K. K. H. & Marques Bonet, T., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Nature Ecology and Evolution. 70.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Applying an evolutionary mismatch framework to understand disease susceptibility

Lea, A. J., Clark, A. G., Dahl, A. W., Devinsky, O., Garcia, A. R., Golden, C. D., Kamau, J., Kraft, T. S., Lim, Y. A. L., Martins, D. J., Mogoi, D., Pajukanta, P., Perry, G. H., Pontzer, H., Trumble, B. C., Urlacher, S. S., Venkataraman, V. V., Wallace, I. J., Gurven, M. & Lieberman, D. E. & 1 others, Ayroles, J. F., Sep 2023, In: PLoS biology. 21, 9 September, e3002311.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Human subsistence and signatures of selection on chemosensory genes

Veilleux, C. C., Garrett, E. C., Pajic, P., Saitou, M., Ochieng, J., Dagsaan, L. D., Dominy, N. J., Perry, G. H., Gokcumen, O. & Melin, A. D., Dec 2023, In: Communications Biology. 6, 1, 683.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

An integrative skeletal and paleogenomic analysis of stature variation suggests relatively reduced health for early European farmers

Marciniak, S., Bergey, C. M., Silva, A. M., Hałuszko, A., Furmanek, M., Veselka, B., Velemínský, P., Vercellotti, G., Wahl, J., Zariņa, G., Longhi, C., Kolář, J., Garrido-Pena, R., Flores-Fernández, R., Herrero-Corral, A. M., Simalcsik, A., Müller, W., Sheridan, A., Miliauskienė, Ž. & Jankauskas, R. & 21 others, Moiseyev, V., Köhler, K., Király, Á., Gamarra, B., Cheronet, O., Szeverényi, V., Kiss, V., Szeniczey, T., Kiss, K., Zoffmann, Z. K., Koós, J., Hellebrandt, M., Maier, R. M., Domboróczki, L., Virag, C., Novak, M., Reich, D., Hajdu, T., von Cramon-Taubadel, N., Pinhasi, R. & Perry, G. H., Apr 12 2022, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 15, e2106743119.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Potential evolutionary body size reduction in a Malagasy primate (Propithecus verreauxi) in response to human size-selective hunting pressure

Sullivan, A. P., Godfrey, L. R., Lawler, R. R., Randrianatoandro, H., Eccles, L., Culleton, B., Ryan, T. M. & Perry, G. H., Jul 2022, In: American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 178, 3, p. 385-398 14 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Patterns of recent natural selection on genetic loci associated with sexually differentiated human body size and shape phenotypes

Arner, A. M., Grogan, K. E., Grabowski, M., Reyes-Centeno, H. & Perry, G. H., Jun 3 2021, In: PLoS genetics. 17, 6, e1009562.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Scanning the human genome for “signatures” of positive selection: Transformative opportunities and ethical obligations

Hernandez, M. & Perry, G. H., Mar 1 2021, In: Evolutionary anthropology. 30, 2, p. 113-121 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Evolutionary and phylogenetic insights from a nuclear genome sequence of the extinct, giant, “subfossil” koala lemur Megaladapis edwardsi

Marciniak, S., Mughal, M. R., Godfrey, L. R., Bankoff, R. J., Randrianatoandro, H., Crowley, B. E., Bergey, C. M., Muldoon, K. M., Randrianasy, J., Raharivololona, B. M., Schuster, S. C., Malhi, R. S., Yoder, A. D., Louis, E. E., Kistler, L. & Perry, G. H., Jun 29 2021, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 26, 117118.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Erratum: The genomics of ecological flexibility, large brains, and long lives in capuchin monkeys revealed with fecalFACS (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2021) 118 (e2010632118) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2010632118)

Orkin, J. D., Montague, M. J., Tejada-Martinez, D., de Manuel, M., del Campo, J., Hernandez, S. C., Di Fiore, A., Fontsere, C., Hodgson, J. A., Janiak, M. C., Kuderna, L. F. K., Lizano, E., Martin, M. P., Niimura, Y., Perry, G. H., Valverde, C. S., Tang, J., Warren, W. C., de Magalhães, J. P. & Kawamura, S. & 3 others, Marquès-Bonet, T., Krawetz, R. & Melin, A. D., Aug 24 2021, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 34, e2112613118.

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

The genomics of ecological flexibility, large brains, and long lives in capuchin monkeys revealed with fecalFACS

Orkin, J. D., Montague, M. J., Tejada-Martinez, D., de Manuel, M., del Campo, J., Hernandez, S. C., Fiore, A. D., Fontsere, C., Hodgson, J. A., Janiak, M. C., Kuderna, L. F. K., Lizano, E., Martin, M. P., Niimura, Y., Perry, G. H., Valverde, C. S., Tang, J., Warren, W. C., de Magalhães, J. P. & Kawamura, S. & 3 others, Marquès-Bonet, T., Krawetz, R. & Melin, A. D., Feb 16 2021, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 7, e2010632118.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Evolutionary medicine

Perry, G. H., Jul 2021, In: eLife. 10, e69398.

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialpeer-review

Modern, archaeological, and paleontological DNA analysis of a human-harvested marine gastropod (Strombus pugilis) from Caribbean Panama

Sullivan, A. P., Marciniak, S., O'Dea, A., Wake, T. A. & Perry, G. H., Jul 2021, In: Molecular Ecology Resources. 21, 5, p. 1517-1528 12 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

A chromosome-level genome assembly for the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus), a reptile model for physiological and evolutionary ecology

Westfall, A. K., Telemeco, R. S., Grizante, M. B., Waits, D. S., Clark, A. D., Simpson, D. Y., Klabacka, R. L., Sullivan, A. P., Perry, G. H., Sears, M. W., Cox, C. L., Cox, R. M., Gifford, M. E., John-Alder, H. B., Langkilde, T., Angilletta, M. J., Leaché, A. D., Tollis, M., Kusumi, K. & Schwartz, T. S., Oct 1 2021, In: GigaScience. 10, 10

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Subfossil lemur discoveries from the Beanka Protected Area in western Madagascar

Burney, D. A., Andriamialison, H., Andrianaivoarivelo, R. A., Bourne, S., Crowley, B. E., De Boer, E. J., Godfrey, L. R., Goodman, S. M., Griffiths, C., Griffiths, O., Hume, J. P., Joyce, W. G., Jungers, W. L., Marciniak, S., Middleton, G. J., Muldoon, K. M., Noromalala, E., Pérez, V. R., Perry, G. H. & Randalana, R. & 1 others, Wright, H. T., Jan 1 2020, In: Quaternary Research (United States). 93, 1, p. 187-203 17 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review