Alyssa Collins

Affiliate Researcher
Titles and Affiliations
Director, Southeast Agricultural Research & Extension Center; Asssociate Research Professor, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology

Research Summary

Disease management of agronomic crops; Fungicide efficacy; Integrated crop management for plant health.

In the News

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Recent Publications

Occurrence and Distribution of Common Diseases and Pests of U.S. Cannabis: A Survey

Munir, M., Leonberger, K., Kesheimer, K., Bolt, M., Zuefle, M., Aronson, E., Ricciardi, M., Schluttenhofer, C., Joly, D., Smith, H. S., Coburn, J., Da Cunha Leme Filho, J. F., Rondon, S. I., Smart, C. D., Collins, A., Garfinkel, A. & Gauthier, N. A., 2023, In: Plant Health Progress. 24, 4, p. 498-507 10 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Fusarium Head Blight of Small Grains in Pennsylvania: Unravelling Species Diversity, Toxin Types, Growth, and Triazole Sensitivity

Duffeck, M. R., Bandara, A. Y., Weerasooriya, D. K., Collins, A. A., Jensen, P. J., Kuldau, G. A., Del Ponte, E. M. & Esker, P. D., Apr 2022, In: PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 112, 4, p. 794-802 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Soybean Yield Loss Estimates Due to Diseases in the United States and Ontario, Canada, from 2015 to 2019

Bradley, C. A., Allen, T. W., Sisson, A. J., Bergstrom, G. C., Bissonnette, K. M., Bond, J., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M. I., Collins, A. A., Damicone, J. P., Dorrance, A. E., Dufault, N. S., Esker, P. D., Faske, T. R., Fiorellino, N. M., Giesler, L. J., Hartman, G. L., Hollier, C. A., Isakeit, T. & Jackson-Ziems, T. A. & 29 others, Jardine, D. J., Kelly, H. M., Kemerait, R. C., Kleczewski, N. M., Koehler, A. M., Kratochvil, R. J., Kurle, J. E., Malvick, D. K., Markell, S. G., Mathew, F. M., Mehl, H. L., Mehl, K. M., Mueller, D. S., Mueller, J. D., Nelson, B. D., Overstreet, C., Padgett, G. B., Price, P. P., Sikora, E. J., Small, I., Smith, D. L., Spurlock, T. N., Tande, C. A., Telenko, D. E. P., Tenuta, A. U., Thiessen, L. D., Warner, F., Wiebold, W. J. & Wise, K. A., 2021, In: Plant Health Progress. 22, 4, p. 483-495 13 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

First Report of Tar Spot of Maize (Zea mays) Caused by Phyllachora maydis in Pennsylvania

Collins, A. A., Bandara, A. Y., May, S. R., Weerasooriya, D. K. & Esker, P. D., Aug 2021, In: Plant disease. 105, 8

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

Recovery Plan for Tar Spot of Corn, Caused by Phyllachora maydis

da Silva, C. R., Check, J., MacCready, J. S., Alakonya, A. E., Beiriger, R., Bissonnette, K. M., Collins, A., Cruz, C. D., Esker, P. D., Goodwin, S. B., Malvick, D., Mueller, D. S., Paul, P., Raid, R., Robertson, A. E., Roggenkamp, E., Ross, T. J., Singh, R., Smith, D. L. & Tenuta, A. U. & 2 others, Chilvers, M. I. & Telenko, D. E. P., 2021, In: Plant Health Progress. 22, 4, p. 596-616 21 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Relationship between soybean yield from high and low yielding field sites and selected soil characteristics

Bandara, A. Y., Weerasooriya, D. K., Murillo-Williams, A., White, C. M., Collins, A. A., Bell, T. H. & Esker, P. D., 2020, In: Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment. 3, 1, e20126.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Corn yield loss estimates due to diseases in the United States and Ontario, Canada, from 2016 to 2019

Mueller, D. S., Wise, K. A., Sisson, A. J., Allen, T. W., Bergstrom, G. C., Bissonnette, K. M., Bradley, C. A., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M. I., Collins, A. A., Esker, P. D., Faske, T. R., Friskop, A. J., Hagan, A. K., Heiniger, R. W., Hollier, C. A., Isakeit, T., Jackson-Ziems, T. A., Jardine, D. J. & Kelly, H. M. & 18 others, Kleczewski, N. M., Koehler, A. M., Koenning, S. R., Malvick, D. K., Mehl, H. L., Meyer, R. F., Paul, P. A., Peltier, A. J., Price, P. P., Robertson, A. E., Roth, G. W., Sikora, E. J., Smith, D. L., Tande, C. A., Telenko, D. E. P., Tenuta, A. U., Thiessen, L. D. & Wiebold, W. J., 2020, In: Plant Health Progress. 21, p. 238-247 10 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Manipulating Wild and Tamed Phytobiomes: Challenges and Opportunities

Bell, T. H., Hockett, K., Alcalá-Briseño, R. I., Barbercheck, M., Beattie, G. A., Bruns, M. A., Carlson, J., Chung, T., Collins, A., Emmett, B., Esker, P., Garrett, K., Glenna, L., Gugino, B. K., Jimenez Gasco, M. D. M., Kinkel, L., Kovac, J., Kowalski, K., Kuldau, G. & Leveau, J. & 10 others, Michalska-Smith, M., Myrick, J., Peter, K., Salazar, M. V., Shade, A., Stopnisek, N., Tan, X., Welty, A., Wickings, K. & Yergeau, E., Mar 13 2019, In: Phytobiomes Journal.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Evaluating the profitability of foliar fungicide programs in mid-atlantic soft-red winter wheat production

Sylvester, P. N., Lana, F. D., Mehl, H. L., Collins, A. A., Paul, P. A. & Kleczewski, N. M., Aug 2018, In: Plant disease. 102, 8, p. 1627-1637 11 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Soybean yield loss estimates due to diseases in the United States and Ontario, Canada, from 2010 to 2014

Allen, T. W., Bradley, C. A., Sisson, A. J., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M. I., Coker, C. M., Collins, A. A., Damicone, J. P., Dorrance, A. E., Dufault, N. S., Esker, P. D., Faske, T. R., Giesler, L. J., Grybauskas, A. P., Hershman, D. E., Hollier, C. A., Isakeit, T., Jardine, D. J., Kelly, H. M. & Kemerait, R. C. & 23 others, Kleczewski, N. M., Koenning, S. R., Kurle, J. E., Malvick, D. K., Markell, S. G., Mehl, H. L., Mueller, D. S., Mueller, J. D., Mulrooney, R. P., Nelson, B. D., Newman, M. A., Osborne, L., Overstreet, C., Padgett, G. B., Phipps, P. M., Price, P. P., Sikora, E. J., Smith, D. L., Spurlock, T. N., Tande, C. A., Tenuta, A. U., A.Wise, K. & Allen Wrather, J., 2017, In: Plant Health Progress. 18, 1, p. 19-27 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Corn yield loss estimates due to diseases in the United States and Ontario, Canada from 2012 to 2015

Mueller, D. S., Wise, K. A., Sisson, A. J., Allen, T. W., Bergstrom, G. C., Bosley, D. B., Bradley, C. A., Broders, K. D., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M. I., Collins, A., Faske, T. R., Friskop, A. J., Heiniger, R. W., Hollier, C. A., Hooker, D. C., Isakeit, T., Jackson-Ziems, T. A., Jardine, D. J. & Kelly, H. M. & 13 others, Kinzer, K., Koenning, S. R., Malvick, D. K., McMullen, M., Meyer, R. F., Paul, P. A., Robertson, A. E., Roth, G. W., Smith, D. L., Tande, C. A., Tenuta, A. U., Vincelli, P. & Warner, F., 2016, In: Plant Health Progress. 17, 3, p. 211-222 12 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review