Affiliated Researchers: Palaeoecology

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 9 search result(s) for Palaeoecology.

Marc D. Abrams

Nancy and John Steimer Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Quercus, Oak, Dendroecology, Acer Rubrum, Species Recruitment

Sarah Allen

Top research keywords: Angiosperm, Western North America, Paleoecology, Paullinieae, Leaf Area

Mark E. Patzkowsky

Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Late Ordovician, Middle Ordovician, Ordovician, Mass Extinction, Brachiopod

David Pollard

Senior Scientist, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
Top research keywords: Ice Sheet, Ice, Climate, Climate Modeling, Simulation

Bernd J. Haupt

Senior Research Associate, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
Top research keywords: Conveyor, North Atlantic, Global Ocean, Ocean Circulation, Sea Surface Salinity

Brian Kelley

Assistant Professor in Geosciences, Geosciences
Top research keywords: China, Permian, South China, Carbonate Platform, End-Permian Mass Extinction

Timothy Bralower

Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Paleocene, Eocene, Nannofossil, Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Nannofossils

Tim White

Associate Research Professor, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS)
Top research keywords: Observatory, Paleosol, Critical Zone Observatory, Eocene, United States Of America

Katherine Freeman

Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Carbon 14, Carbon Isotopes, Eocene, N-alkanes, Paleocene