Affiliated Researchers: North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 5 search result(s) for North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature.

Laifang Li

Assistant Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: North Atlantic, United States, North Atlantic Subtropical High, Sea Surface Temperature, Southeastern United States

Melissa Gervais

Associate Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: North Atlantic, Sea Surface Temperature, Self Organizing Map, Atmospherics, North America

Steven Feldstein

Research Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: North Atlantic Oscillation, Teleconnection, Madden-Julian Oscillation, Winter, Convection

Chris Forest

Professor, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Top research keywords: Climate Change, Climate Modeling, Climate Models, Climate System, Earth System Model

Andrew Carleton

Professor, Geography
Top research keywords: Southern Hemisphere, Climate, Sea Ice, Cold Air, Vortex