Affiliated Researchers: Motivation

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 6 search result(s) for Motivation.

Ashley Schroeder

Assistant Professor, Recreation, Park and Tourism Management
Top research keywords: Travel, Tourism, Risk Perception, Social Media, Destination

Bing Pan

Professor, Recreation, Park and Tourism Management
Top research keywords: Tourism, Tourist, Search Engine, Marketing, Travel

Jacob Benfield

Professor of Psychology, Division of Social Sciences (Abington)
Top research keywords: Aggressive Driving, National Park, Ownership, Mood, Recreation

Andris Freivalds

Lucas Professor, Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Top research keywords: Ergonomics, Tendons, Hand Strength, Rating, Hand Tools

Denise Potosky

Professor, Management Division (Great Valley)
Top research keywords: Work Performance, Job Performance, Cognitive Ability, Personnel, Predictors

Jessica Myrick

Professor, Film-Video and Media Studies
Top research keywords: Tanning, Social Media, VIP, Cancer, Emotion