Affiliated Researchers: Creek

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 12 search result(s) for Creek.

Tim White

Associate Research Professor, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS)
Top research keywords: Paleosol, Cretaceous, Observatory, Shale, Siderite

Brian Black

Division Head and Distinguished Professor, History, Division of Arts & Humanities (Altoona)
Top research keywords: Oil, Petroleum, Oil Boom, Economic Planning, World War I

Tyler Groh

Assistant Research Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Nitrates, Buffers, Denitrification, Nitrate, Drainage

Christine Costello

Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Top research keywords: Food, Greenhouse Gases, Agricultural Watersheds, Watershed, Soil And Water Assessment Tool Model

Jay Stauffer Jr.

Distinguished Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Cichlidae, Cichlids, Lake Malawi, Lakes, Teleostei

Roman Dibiase

Associate Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Bedrock, Hillslope, Erosion Rate, Sediments, Erosion

Margot Kaye

Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Fire History, Deciduous Forests, Pinus Ponderosa, Climate, Pine

Elizabeth W. Boyer

Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Nitrogen, Watershed, Catchment, Nitrate, Dissolved Organic Carbon

Christopher House

Professor, Geosciences
Top research keywords: Mars Craters, Methane, Mars, Crater, Oceans And Seas

Patrick Drohan

Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management
Top research keywords: Soil, Appalachian Region, Shale Gas, Charcoal, Hydric Soils

Eric Burkhart

Associate Teaching Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management