Using This Equipment
For more information and to utilize this equipment, please contact Nathaniel Warner.
Equipment full name: Picarro L2130-i Analyzer - Stable Isotopes
Description: The Picarro is a high-precision isotope analyzer used to measure stable isotopes in water. The Picarro L2130-i provides a platform for advanced research into all aspects of the water cycle: water vapor, liquid water, or water trapped in solids. This instrument uses a laser based absorption technique involving cavity ring-down spectroscopy.
Analytical Method: Stable isotopes in water are measured following the Picarro guidelines for liquid water isotope analyzer.
Sample submission: Water samples can be submitted to the water quality laboratory chemist for analysis.
Training: Student researchers and faculty who are interested in training on how to operate and interpret data, please contact the water quality laboratory to schedule training. While the number of trainig hours may vary depending on the student's knowledge and analytical skills, we require a minimum of four training hours prior to allowing the student to independently operate the instruments.