Sample preparation laboratories are located in the Energy and Environment Laboratory building (EEL) Rooms 231, 232, and 269.
Environmental Contaminants Analytical Laboratory's capabilities include processing a wide range of matrices including water (drinking, surface, ground, waste), sediment, soil, and tissue. Environmental Contaminants Analytical Laboratory's high performance sample preparation equipment, listed below, offer automation and facilitate efficient, accurate, precise, and reliable sample preparation.
Dionex ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor
A high-throughput, automated extraction, filtration and cleanup of solid and semi-solid samples.
Kuderna Danish Solvent Evaporator

Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) equipment
Sample purification and preparation prior to chromatographic analysis
Soxhlet Extraction equipment

Genevac High Speed Synergy 2 Evaporator

Thermo Scientific Thermolyne Muffle Furnace

Memmert Premium Vacuum Oven

Branson Ultrasonic Bath/Cleaner
HG-600 Cole Parmer Geno/Grinder
An automated high-throughput plant and animal tissue homogenizer.
Retsch Planetary Ball Mill PM 100
A powerful benchtop model that allows for grinding up to 220 ml sample material per batch.

Milli-Q IQ 7005 ultrapure water system
Sample Preparation Lab:
231, 232, and 269 Energy and Environment Laboratory Building
753 Hastings Road
University Park, PA 16802