Agilent 8700 LDIR

SurveyIR Deluxe Optical Microscope
The Agilent LDIR is a chemical imaging system applies Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) spectroscopy. This system is fully automated, and provides great speed in physical and chemical analysis and characterization of microplastic particles in environmental, biological, food and more.
In addition to offering great speed, this platform covers the fingerprint region (1800 – 975 cm^-1). It is also equipped with a Cary 630 FTIR and a SurveyIR Deluxe optical microscope. This platform offers capabilities to perform transmission, reflection, and ATR spectroscopy in the full spectral range of 4000 cm^-1 to 10 cm^-1.
The LDIR also features a high-magnification objective that can locate particles as small as 10μm and can detect and resolve particles as small as 6 μm using the IR workflow. The analysis time for the LDIR system varies depending on the number of particles being analyzed, but it is estimated to range from 2 to 8 hours.
Incorporating this technology into ECAL’s workflow strengthens infrastructure competitiveness in the global microplastics research community. The LDIR augments a more complex and integrated microplastics workflow that includes pyrolysis GC MS.
138 Land and Water Research Building
781 Hastings Road
University Park, PA 16802