Dr. Stephen H. Schoenholtz is Director of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center and Professor of Forest Hydrology and Soils at Virginia Tech. As Director of the VWRRC, he oversees a federally- and state-funded water research center whose mission is to facilitate collaborative research, extension, and education programs to develop solutions to water resource challenges. His research and teaching program focuses on interactions between land management and water and soil resources. His current research has a strong interdisciplinary approach, emphasizing development of water-quality standards for headwater streams impacted by surface mining in the central Appalachians and has a significant policy component involving regular communication with government regulatory agencies, elected officials, non-governmental organizations, and the coal-mining industry. Dr. Schoenholtz has mentored 44 graduate students, three post-doctoral research associates, five research assistants, and more than 40 undergraduate students from a diverse range of academic departments as part of his research programs at three universities. He has garnered more than $9 million in research funding, published approximately 100 papers and book chapters, and has taught 16 different undergraduate and graduate courses. He coordinates the interdisciplinary undergraduate B.S. degree program in Water: Resources, Policy, and Management at Virginia Tech, which is the first of its kind in the U.S. Dr. Schoenholtz earned B.S. degrees in Biology and Forest Science from Pennsylvania State University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in forest soil science from Virginia Tech.