Relatable Research: Communicating Complex Ideas to the Public, Session 2

Recently, there has been a growing demand for graduate students of all disciplines to communicate well with diverse audiences about what they do and why they do it. In two consecutive sessions devoted to the composition and delivery of a short research or scholarship presentation, we will explore how structured and dynamic communication can set a speaker on a path for success. In the first session, participants will have an opportunity to draft content that summarizes their project in effective ways that will reach a non-specialized audience. In the second session, participants will return with a revised draft of content that will be aligned to robust delivery of that message. Through the combination of these interactive sessions, participants will communicate relatable expertise matched to nonverbal strategies that will enhance their messages, build confidence, and instill a lasting impact.

This session is designed to help any Penn State graduate student with preparing for the Penn State’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, but it is open to students who don't plan to participate in 3MT, too. All graduate students interested in improving their research communication skills are invited to register for this training. 3MT is an academic research communication competition developed by the University of Queensland, Australia.

This is a two-part workshop series, and students must be available September 25 and October 2 at noon.