The event is for faculty, postdocs, staff, and students working on, or with interest in, water and water-related efforts. The event will be from 3–6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, and will be split into two sessions.
The first session, from 3–4:30 p.m., will be a hybrid event for both in-person and online attendees. It will feature networking, water community updates, and lightning talks. The in-person location will be 189 Energy and the Environment Lab.
The second part will be in-person only and will feature a poster session, networking time, and tours of some of the Institutes of Energy and the Environment’s labs. The location will be on the second floor of the Land and Water Research Building.
The event is for faculty, postdocs, staff, and students who are interested in water and University-wide research priorities and supporting initiatives:
- Protecting Public Health and the Environment
- Advancing Resilient Communities on a Dynamic Earth
- Driving Innovation and Technology
- Guiding Social Action, Policy, and Corporate Transformation
- Transforming Water Education and Student Opportunities
- Engaging People, Communities, and Partner Institutions
Draft agenda
Session 1: Updates & Opportunities (3–4:30 p.m.; in-person and online)
- 3:00-3:20 – Initial Networking
- 3:20-3:25 – Welcome
- 3:25-3:45 – Water Initiative Updates & Opportunities
- 3:45-4:25 – Lightning Talks
- 4:25-4:30 – Close
Session 2: (4:30–6 p.m.; in-person)
- Networking
- Poster Session
- Core lab facility tours available