Date and Time
EESI EarthTalk Webinar
Richard Alley, Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences, will lead a discussion with the researchers and graduate students of Penn State’s ice group on how much sea-level rise scientists expect from melting ice and answer questions about what this means for citizens and scientists.
The EarthTalk's panel will be held at 4 p.m. Monday, April 13, and broadcast through Zoom at Attendees can tweet questions in advance to @PSUEarth using the hashtag #EarthTalksIce. The talk is free and open to the public.
Graduate Students, Dept. of Geoscience: Lizzy Clyne, Sierra Melton, Emily Schwans, Ian Lee and Byron Parizek, Prof. of Mathematics, Dept. of Geosciences; David Pollard, Research Prof., EESI; Luke Trusel, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Geography; Sridhar Anandakrishna, Prof. of Geosciences, director of PSICE; Richard Alley, Evan Pugh Prof. of Geosciences, director of PSICE