2024 One Health Microbiome Center Kickstart Workshop

Date and Time
Animal, Veterinary, and Biomedical Sciences Building

This free, comprehensive, workshop is a cornerstone training event for emerging researchers to launch their microbiome studies and network at Penn State.

The Microbiome Kickstart Workshop provides an introduction to microbiome research, experimental design and data analysis, featuring extensive experimental design background and hands-on computational training. Welcoming to all ranks of students, staff and faculty, the workshop equips participants with the awareness and skills to design a microbiome-focused experiment and perform basic microbiome data processing and analyses.

The workshop has hands-on training including, 1. Intro to Unix/R, 2. Amplicon Data Analysis in QIIME2 and R, and 3. Shotgun Metagenomic Analysis, as well as lectures on conducting a microbiome study: from sampling to sequencing, metabolomics, and symbiosis.