Stephan J. Goetz

Affiliate Researcher
Titles and Affiliations
Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education

Research Summary

Role of markets and human capital in stimulating economic growth and development, and in reducing poverty. Current research interests include social network analysis, regional food systems, self-employment, targeted regional economic development, rural etc.

In the News

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Recent Publications

Cloud computing and rural globalization: Evidence for the U.S. nonfarm economy

Han, L., Wojan, T. R. & Goetz, S. J., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Telecommunications Policy. 102814.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

How export performance is mediated by innovation, owner characteristics, and location

Han, L., Wojan, T. R., Tian, Z. & Goetz, S. J., Apr 2024, In: Economics Letters. 237, 111657.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Testing biasedness of self-reported microbusiness innovation in the annual business survey

Han, L., Tian, Z., Wojan, T. R. & Goetz, S. J., Jan 2024, In: PloS one. 19, 1 January, e0296667.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Women farmers and community well-being under modeling uncertainty

Schmidt, C., Deller, S. C. & Goetz, S. J., Mar 2024, In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 46, 1, p. 275-299 25 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Food insufficiency and Twitter emotions during a pandemic

Goetz, S. J., Heaton, C., Imran, M., Pan, Y., Tian, Z., Schmidt, C., Qazi, U., Ofli, F. & Mitra, P., Jun 2023, In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 45, 2, p. 1189-1210 22 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

An early assessment of COVID-19’s impact on tourism in U.S. counties

Han, L., Goetz, S. J., Eades, D., Entsminger, J. & Arbogast, D., Aug 2023, In: Tourism Economics. 29, 5, p. 1355-1375 21 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Experimenting in the cloud: The digital divide's impact on innovation

Han, L., Wojan, T. R. & Goetz, S. J., Aug 2023, In: Telecommunications Policy. 47, 7, 102578.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Rural US residents recognize anxiety better than urbanites and suburbanites but hold similar stigma

Loveridge, S., Skidmore, M., Shupp, R., Miller, P. K., Cuthbertson, C. & Goetz, S., Sep 1 2023, In: Journal of Rural Health. 39, 4, p. 860-869 10 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Agritourism and direct sales clusters in the United States

Schmidt, C., Tian, Z., Goetz, S. J., Hollas, C. R. & Chase, L., Apr 2 2023, In: Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 52, 1, p. 168-188 21 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Extension and Tourism: Responding to the Changing Needs of Society and New Opportunities

Arbogast, D., Eades, D., Goetz, S. & Pan, Y., 2022, In: Journal of Extension. 60, 2, 7.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Facility locations in the fresh produce supply chain: An integration of optimization and empirical methods

Ge, H., Goetz, S. J., Cleary, R., Yi, J. & Gómez, M. I., Jul 2022, In: International Journal of Production Economics. 249, 108534.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

The Role of Community Food Services in Reducing US Food Insufficiency in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tian, Z., Schmidt, C. & Goetz, S. J., Sep 2022, In: Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 47, 3, p. 580-597 18 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Explaining Spatial Disparities in Fatal Drug Overdoses, 1970-2016

Davlasheridze, M. & Goetz, S. J., 2021, In: Review of Regional Studies. 51, 3, p. 292-316 25 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Visualizing spatial economic supply chains to enhance sustainability and resilience

Han, Y., Goetz, S. J. & Schmidt, C., Feb 1 2021, In: Sustainability (Switzerland). 13, 3, p. 1-15 15 p., 1512.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Female farmers in the United States: Research needs and policy questions

Schmidt, C., Goetz, S. J. & Tian, Z., May 2021, In: Food Policy. 101, 102039.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review