Fred Cannon

Affiliate Researcher
Titles and Affiliations
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Summary

Activated carbon and surface chemistry; tailoring of activated Carbon to remove specific compounds; and advanced oxidation/adsorption for reducing air pollution in foundries (green sand); granular activated carbon (GAC) for odorant control in filter bed absorbers, coal-based activated carbon for removing perchlorate and other anions from water, and enhancing reactivated GAC for protecting against organic spills and removing disinfections by product precursors.

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Recent Publications

A rapid method to determine 226Ra concentrations in Marcellus Shale produced waters using liquid scintillation counting

Ajemigbitse, M. A., Cannon, F. S. & Warner, N. R., Sep 2020, In : Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 220-221, 106300.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Self-attenuation corrections for radium measurements of oil and gas solids by gamma spectroscopy

Ajemigbitse, M. A., Cheng, Y., Cannon, F. S. & Warner, N. R., Jan 2020, In : Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 211, 106070.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Adsorption mechanisms of PFOA onto activated carbon anchored with quaternary ammonium/epoxide-forming compounds: A combination of experiment and model studies

Yuan, C., Huang, Y., Cannon, F. S. & Zhao, Z., Dec 2020, In : Journal of Environmental Sciences. 98, p. 94-102 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Removing PFOA and nitrate by quaternary ammonium compounds modified carbon and its mechanisms analysis: Effect of base, acid or oxidant pretreatment

Yuan, C., Huang, Y., Cannon, F. S., Geng, C., Liang, Z. & Zhao, Z., Mar 2020, In : Chemosphere. 242, 125233.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Influence of High Total Dissolved Solids Concentration and Ionic Composition on γspectroscopy Radium Measurements of Oil and Gas-Produced Water

Ajemigbitse, M. A., Tasker, T. L., Cannon, F. S. & Warner, N. R., Sep 3 2019, In : Environmental Science and Technology. 53, 17, p. 10295-10302 8 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Raw material recovery from hydraulic fracturing residual solid waste with implications for sustainability and radioactive waste disposal

Ajemigbitse, M. A., Cannon, F. S., Klima, M. S., Furness, J. C., Wunz, C. & Warner, N. R., Feb 2019, In : Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts. 21, 2, p. 308-323 16 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Enhanced trifluoroacetate removal from groundwater by quaternary nitrogen-grafted granular activated carbon

Sun, H., Cannon, F. S. & He, X., Apr 10 2019, In : Science of the Total Environment. 660, p. 577-585 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Polypyrrole-Tailored Activated Carbon for Trifluoroacetate Removal from Groundwater

Sun, H., Cannon, F. S. & He, X., Nov 2019, In : Environmental Engineering Science. 36, 11, p. 1379-1387 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Removing nitrate with coconut activated carbon, tailored with quaternary ammonium epoxide compounds: Effect of base or acid carbon pretreatment

Yuan, C., Cannon, F. S. & Zhao, Z., Mar 15 2019, In : Journal of Environmental Management. 234, p. 21-27 7 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Synergistic interaction between lignin and collagen during co-pyrolysis

Zhao, Z., Cannon, F. S. & Nieto-Delgado, C., Dec 2019, In : Carbon. 154, p. 254-265 12 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle